Chapter 28

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(Y/N)'s POV:

After the Infinite Tsukuyomi was released, everyone returned to their own village to regroup, heal and bury their dead. There were a lot of things to be done and a lot of cleaning up to do after the war.

The first thing we did was carry our dead back to the village and prepare them for their burial and funerals. As much as Naruto and I didn't like it, Tsunade had no choice but to put the Uchiha brothers in jail for now, along with Obito. 

We couldn't argue much with her, especially when we walked back into the village and saw how the villagers looked upon the previous Uchiha Missing-nins. Tsunade wasn't planning on staying as Hokage for long. Still, there were other preparations that needed to be done to appoint another Hokage. So in the meantime, they would remain in prison until a final answer is decided on whether to pardon them or not.

I was captured in that stupid dream Jutsu, so I missed the departure of the previous Hokage to solidify any pardon for Itachi. However, I still had the signed scroll, so I made sure to give it to Tsunade to consider or use when it came to their trial.

Of course, Sasuke and Obito are two different stories, and there wasn't anything I could do for them as I did for Itachi. Kakashi thankfully still cares for Obito, so he will do his best for his best friend, and Naruto would never allow Sasuke to stay behind bars.

As much as Orochimaru did to help slow down Itachi's illness after we were released, the effect wore off the second night in prison. Tsunade was forced to administer him to the hospital to keep him alive and work on finding a cure for him. She did promise after all that she would try after the war was over.

Many people in the hospital and the higher-ups were against healing him; they thought it would be better to just let him die in prison. But not only did I intervene, but so did Naruto, the Hero, and Tsunade, who was still Hokage, said she won't let anyone die in prison like that, and she wouldn't break a promise without at least trying first.

For a long time, the whispers in the village were only about the three imprisoned Uchiha. Even if Itachi wasn't in prison, he was handcuffed to the bed just in case with ANBU guards standing outside his room all the time. A lot of people questioned if their pardon was possible and if it was, how bad it would be. Thankfully, many of the Shinobi who fought with or saw Itachi during the war were slowly starting to think that things could be different.

Sasuke didn't fight against his capture at all. Even when Naruto and Sakura tried fighting for him, he told them that it was the right thing to do after everything. I didn't agree with him, but it's not easy to change an Uchiha's mind. They are a stubborn kind. 

Many people wouldn't believe that Sasuke was actually out of action once he reconnected with his brother, but I gathered all the evidence I could get and gave them to Tsunade to add to the file of the Uchiha trial.

The funeral for the dead and Shikaku and Inoichi was tough on Naruto and the rest. I wished I could have shared their grief, but I didn't know them as they did. I was more upset for Shikamaru and Ino, who lost their fathers. Naruto is a sensitive person, so of course, he was crying in my arms throughout the entire night that day.

A few days after that, things started calming down. People were beginning to accept that there was a chance that the imprisoned Uchiha might be released and pardoned to some extent. With Naruto being the Hero of the village with Pain and now the Hero of the Fourth Great Ninja War, he's as popular as ever now...

"I know I somehow owe you a date, but I keep being called upon by people who come from God knows where and I'm trying to find time, but I didn't think I'd get this busy." we are currently in Naruto's house, lying in his bed. We are trying to have a lazy day, but like he said, whenever we find time for ourselves, he gets called for something or someone.

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