Chapter 12

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Turns out the big plan that Kakashi had before our training started was to tell the Hokage that I had unlocked my Mangekyō and that I was planning on learning Earth Style from him. Since we are keeping the fact that Tsunade is awake from the brothers, he couldn't tell me upfront.

"Do I really have to tell her about my eyes? I mean, she's going to ask me how I got them, and I haven't come up with a believable story." I tell him as we enter the building. "Take it as an opportunity to tell her about your request to heal Itachi." he simply says as he knocks on her door and opens it when he gets approval.

"Kakashi, (Y/N). What can I do for you?" she puts down the scroll she was reading and gives us her full attention. I gulp, "Um, we just came to check if you needed any help? I'm pretty bored with Naruto not being here, and it's not like I'm meeting up with some brothers and training to fill my time." I laugh nervously and slap myself to shut up.

Kakashi face palms himself and shakes his head. "What are you hiding, (Y/N)?" I flinch and look at Kakashi. "I told you I can't lie!" I yell at him. "I never asked you to; in fact, I told you to tell her." he tells me calmly. "You said she wouldn't take it well! That makes me nervous to tell her!" I yell again. "I said you might be able to convince her." he shrugs. "Itachi's life is on the line here; I don't want to gamble with it!" I say frustratingly.

"Itachi?! As in Uchiha Itachi? He's here?" Tsunade finally cuts in, and Kakashi laughs. "Augh! You argued with me on purpose, knowing I tend to slip when I'm annoyed!" I yell at him, but he just continues to laugh. "Hey, at least now she knows." he shrugs again and goes to lean on the wall.

I looked back at Tsunade slowly, and she did not look happy. "Explain. Now!" she practically growls. I heave a sigh and drop my shoulders. "Fine, but just hear me out till the end, okay?" I tell her, and she only raises an eyebrow.

Here goes nothing...

After a few minutes of explaining how I met Itachi and who he really was to me. How he and his brother are okay now and are living peacefully, I get to the real issue of it all. "There's something else about him that no one knows." I start, and she nods for me to continue. "Hokage-Sama, Itachi is really sick. Sakura and Karin have been trying to heal him, but everyone knows they aren't experts yet."

She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms. "Sakura not only knows, but she is helping a Missing-nin?" she asks. "Itachi is more than a Missing-nin now! He's my guardian, my cousin! I told you the truth behind his actions and what Danzō tried to do later on. He isn't evil!" I defend him. "That doesn't change the fact that he has massacred his entire clan." she closes her eyes. "To protect his little brother! He was forced!" my voice starts rising. "He joined the Akatsuki." she says again. "To keep an eye on their plans and be able to protect Sasuke and the village! Why are you fighting me on this!?" I growl.

"You plan on asking me to take a look at him." I froze, and no words came out. "How can I heal such a dangerous man? To think he was that strong while being extremely sick. Can you imagine his strength when he's healed?" the question was not only to me but to Kakashi as well. "I'm surprised you're okay with this." she looks at him.

"I was skeptical like you when she first told me. But that guy has not only saved her once but twice now. I'm finding it hard not to accept him, and he also helped improve her Sharingan." he points and tells me to show her.

I glare at him, not understanding how my eyes are more important than the fact that she wasn't giving Itachi the benefit of the doubt even after knowing everything. "You should have some faith yourself." he tells me and nods in her direction for me to show her. I close my eyes and activate my Mangekyō to show her.

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