Chapter 36

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"Menma, Boruto, come on! We have to go." I call out to the boys from downstairs, ready to head out to the ceremony. I hear them arguing upstairs, and then Boruto runs down the stairs while Menma joins us calmly. "Mom! Menma won't help me surprise dad when we get back home." Boruto complains. "It's not a surprise when you're trying to scare him. And he will sense you coming anyway." Menma rolls his eyes.

Naruto and I knew how different the boys are from each other since they were babies, but to think that even at the age of 8, that difference would be even bigger if that's possible...

Boruto is a lot like his dad in the sense of having high energy, being talkative, and having that love for pranks and jokes. While Menma is quiet, calm most of the time, and you could say studious. They are twins, and yet they have some trouble hanging out together.

Thankfully, Ino's crazy plan of our kids being friends worked out. Boruto is friends with anyone and everyone and doesn't mind who he hangs out with, and even though Menma is always with them, he does prefer to hang out with Sarada or Shikadai the most. Boruto and Inojin kind of have the same energy so they pull the group together most of the time.

The other kids tend to behave a bit more than usual when Menma is around since, apparently, they feel like they are hanging out with someone older than them instead of someone their age.

We worry about him sometimes; we try to tell him that this is the time for him to have fun and enjoy his young years. He has time to grow up and be serious later on in life. But he just responds with, "I am having fun, though. Does it have to be in a crazy and uncontrolled way?"

Itachi finds it hilarious that I have polar opposite kids... Especially since both Naruto and I are more on the crazy side than the collected and composed side. I guess this is why Menma likes to visit Uncle Itachi and Sasuke a lot...

"Mom! Tell him dad would like it." Boruto tells me. "Why don't you both find a way to surprise your dad where both of you can enjoy participating?" I tell them, and they both roll their eyes.

"Remember, this is an important time and day for your dad. So let's try to behave, okay?" I remind them as we leave the house. "Hear that, Boruto. Can you behave?" Menma smirks. "Hey! At least I'm fun. You're like a grandpa!" Boruto replies while pulling his tongue out at his brother. "Just because I don't act like I'm always on a sugar rush doesn't make me a grandpa!" Menma scowls.

Menma has heard people tell him he has an old soul or is very mature for his age so many times in his life that now it's a sour subject to him. There came a time when he came to me asking if something was wrong with him for not being like Boruto or the other kids his age. "You're fine just the way you are. Uncle Itachi was also very mature at your age; there's nothing wrong with it." I reassured him, and from then his bond with Itachi got better.

"Boruto, what did we talk about?" I warn him. "Don't call your brother a grandpa." he repeats the lesson and pouts. We continue on our way in silence until we reach the Hokage's office. Once we enter, the boys run to their father. "Dad!" they both yell before jumping in his arms. As much as Menma likes to act all grown up, he very much acts his age when his dad is around. He would never admit it because it's not cool, but he loves and respects his dad a lot.

"My boys! You made it." Naruto carries them and hugs them. "Of course, we aren't going to miss your ceremony, silly." I smile as I join them. "Silly Fox." Boruto laughs and teases his dad. Both boys love teasing their dad with the nicknames I came up with for him. Running around the house calling him Uzumaki as if they aren't themselves. Or Silly Fox when he makes mistakes or trips.

Although, they did cringe and make gagging noises when they heard me call him Sunshine. At least that nickname is still mine alone.

"Are you nervous, dad?" Boruto asks. "Nah, I've been ready for this since I was your age, if not younger." he ruffles his hair. "Wow! That's so cool." they both laugh. "Uncle Kakashi will be happy to be retired now." Menma jokes.

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