Chapter 27

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The house was one of those cute houses, but it also had a traditional vibe to it. I've never seen a place like that before. I look around, and I barely recognize the area around me. My head feels heavy and foggy.

"(Y/N), don't forget to pick up some fruits on your way home." I hear someone speak from inside the house, but I don't recognize their voice even though they talk to me with familiarity. When I don't answer, they poke their head out and find me staring at them. "(Y/N)? You're going to be late if you don't leave soon." it's a woman... She looks familiar now that I'm looking at her.

"Mom?" I ask, and she looks at me, worried. "Yes? Did you forget something?" she asks me as she wipes her hands with what I'm guessing is the kitchen towel. "Everything okay here?" a man shows up and stands next to someone who looks very similar to my mom. "Dad?" I ask, and he gives me the same confused and worried look.

"W-What's going on? H-How?" I look around and then look back at them. Both my 'Parents' are wearing the Uchiha symbol on their shirts, and they are very much alive. I look down at myself, and I'm wearing Konoha's Shinobi uniform, and I have the headband in my hand. I'm a grown-up? How are they alive if I'm a grown-up?

"What's wrong, Sweetie? Are you feeling okay?" mom steps off the porch and rests her hand on my forehead. "Is she sick?" my dad asks. "No, she doesn't have a fever." she tells and asks me again if I'm okay. "I-I'm fine, just... confused?" I told them, but they couldn't understand what I could mean.

"Did you have a vivid bad dream?" my dad asks, and I think about it. A bad dream? Was that what it was? It was all a dream? "It's just a dream, Sweetie. Everything is fine." my mom tells me and tucks a hair behind my ear. "Now, your team is waiting for you. You can't be late." she reminds me, and I nod.

I don't exactly remember what the dream was about; I just feel like it was horrible. They are right; I should forget about it and just move on. 

I exit the Uchiha compound and head towards the training ground to meet my team. Even though my head was still feeling foggy and weird, I managed to get past training with as little bruising as one can escape from being distracted. 

"Your head was not in the game today, Uchiha. You're not kids anymore, that's dangerous." my captain tells me, and I nod. "I understand you want to meet up with Naruto for lunch as fast as possible, but you shouldn't blow off your training. Don't let your high skills get to your head." he lectures me, but I only cared about one thing.


Once he dismisses us, I run to the one place I know Naruto would eat lunch at. I get to Ichiraku and recognize his orange jacket directly. "Naruto!" I call out to him, and he waves me over. "You finally made it; I almost ordered without you." he laughs, and I sit next to him. "Sorry, I've been feeling so weird today." he checks if I'm feeling okay, but I reassure him that I'm fine now.

No matter what it is that my head is confused about, it can't be that bad if Naruto is here.

"You know, I thought I got away from her when she got picked on another team. I can't believe you make me eat lunch with her." I look beside Naruto and find Sasuke scowling. "He doesn't make you do anything; you just like to complain." I pull my tongue at him, and he rolls his eyes at me. "Where's Sakura?" I ask, and they tell me she stayed behind for a little extra practice with Kakashi.

We spend the next few hours eating our Ramen and catching up with our weekly schedule. Naruto's team has one more mission before they get a few days off. My team just came back from a mission, so we are somehow free for now.

As Naruto walks us back to the Uchiha compound, he whispers in my ear. "Hey, when I get back, I'm planning a little date for us." he giggles at the end. "R-Really?" I ask for more details, but he swipes his fingers across his lips and says it's a surprise. "Can you guys not flirt in front of me?" Sasuke says. "You're just sour that Sakura is busy. Stop lying to yourself and just ask her out already." I elbow him, and he scowls at me. "Shut up." he mumbles and walks ahead.

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