Chapter 19

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I cross my legs and look at the man in front of me do the same, but he still seems wary of me. "Um... What am I doing here?" I can't actually tell him who I really am, can I? Could he be an enemy? "Not much. Just taking a stroll around the woods. I like nature." I lie but make sure he doesn't catch on. "What about you?" I ask back.

"I guess the same as you. Strolling around." great... we are both lying. I guess now I'm sure I can't fully let my guard down. "Are you alone?" why would he ask me that? "Yes, I don't like a lot of company." I continue with my lie and pick up a stick to fiddle with. The next moment is awkward, both of us not knowing how to continue the conversation or thinking of just leaving since we both know we are lying.

"I'm sorry if I'm being too forward, but how did you get such a big scar?" might as well talk about something obvious instead of asking about our objectives of being here. "It's not a pleasant story." he unconsciously tries to hide it. "I've seen my share of unpleasant stuff. I'm sure I can handle it, that's if you're okay to share it." it's not like I'm going to force him to tell me, even if my curiosity is huge.

"I guess you could say it happened when I was young; I was out with some... friends. We ran into trouble, and I took a hit to protect one of them." he chuckles, but it was very dry with no humor. "Those friends of yours didn't try to help?" I ask, grimacing. It's pretty apparent he's leaving huge details and more serious stuff out. "There was no point. It was a fatal hit, although he did try. The trouble was not over, though, so I told them to leave before they get caught." he continues. "Even though I thought my time was over, I somehow survived, and here I am now." he gestures around him, but I'm not satisfied.

"Did you meet up with those friends again?" I ask, and this time he chuckles properly. "You sure know what the important questions are." he actually smiles, even if it was small. "That was my first thought when I gained enough strength to get back on my feet. I wish I never did, though." his expression turned dark, and I was ready for anything. Almost feels like he's ready to attack.

"That friend I saved? He was like a best friend to me; I told him to take care of the girl I liked; she was part of our group. That was the only request I asked of him... and yet I get back to him striking her with his Jutsu right through her heart. Killing her on the spot." he snarls at the memory and fists his hands. Shaking in his place. "I trusted him, and he did the exact opposite of what I asked." he looks up at me, seeing the shock on my face. "Tell me, is it wrong of me to want revenge?" he tilts his head to the side.

I take a moment to think about it. Almost everyone would want revenge after seeing something like that. Sasuke wanted revenge for his family after Itachi killed them, but the story was not as simple as he thought it was. "I understand where you are coming from. I'm a person who usually doesn't hold back my thoughts, so you can be sure I won't be lying to you now about this." I look up at him thoughtfully. 

"Revenge is the obvious answer here. You sacrificed yourself for this best friend of yours, trusted him to take care of someone important to you. When you got a second chance at life and felt the thrill of joining your friends and getting your life back, you see him doing something unforgivable." I play with the stick in the water, gathering my thoughts. "Let me ask you this before I continue. Did you talk to that best friend? Asked him his side of the story of what you thought you saw?"

He scoffs and actually gets mad. "Asked him? You want me to talk to him after what I saw? I KNOW WHAT I SAW! HE KILLED HER!" he yells. I raise my hands in surrender to calm him. "Things aren't always as simple as we see them." before he could interrupt me and yell again, I pushed on. "I know how things can look and tell a different story. Trust me. I've also been told a story and only later found out the actual truth behind it." when he calms down, I continue, "If you three were that close, why would he kill her? Did you ask yourself that? If you were all part of a team, best friends, why would he kill one of his own?" he doesn't answer me, only continues to scowl.

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