Chapter 11

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Kakashi's POV:

I knew this was a bad idea... It might have started out fine, but it quickly got bad, and it only got worse from there. Itachi told me countless times that he was taking it slow, but it seemed she was the one who wasn't able to handle the lower level from the start.

We've spent a lot of time together since she's arrived in the village, and even more time since she got her memories back. I've noticed before that she tends to bottle things up when it comes to her personal feelings. She thinks she has to keep up the act of being the carefree and happy person she always is and doesn't let people know when she's feeling low.

That's probably why this affected her more than we thought it would. All those bottled-up thoughts and feelings were shown to her, and she had no choice but to face them, and she had to do it on her own in the worse way possible.

As I was sitting next to her, after we made sure she would respond to me, she started stirring in her place. Her breath was picking up, and she started mumbling. At first, that was it. All of a sudden, she started panting, and some tears slipped from her eyes. Itachi's Tsukuyomi was able to take him into her mind, so he would tell us what was happening in general. For some reason, he wouldn't tell us the details of it.

At some point, Sasuke had to come to sit next to him and keep him calm. He would shake and flinch at whatever was happening to her. I was shocked that even Itachi was affected by her nightmares. 

Towards the end, she was hyperventilating, her mumbling became faster, and her entire body was shaking. "Enough, I'm getting her out!" I told them, but Itachi shook his head. "Not yet; she's close." he grunted as his eyes started bleeding. "Itachi! You need to stop; your eyes are bleeding." Sasuke tried to stop him, but Itachi wouldn't listen. "I'm not stopping until she unlocks it. I'm not having her go through all that for nothing." he pushed himself harder and kept up the Genjutsu.

Everything happened in mere minutes but seeing (Y/N) and Itachi struggle like that made it feel like hours. Eventually, we had to bring her out, or else she would have collapsed right there. Karin ran to heal Itachi's eyes before they got worse. 

We tried to wake (Y/N) out of her daze, but she wouldn't respond. She was still panicking and crying. The words that came out of her were heartbreaking to hear and not surprising that she would feel like that deep down. 

I carry her to my house as she fell asleep in my arms. I need to keep an eye on her tonight and make sure she doesn't hurt herself from things she might still be thinking of or images coming back to her. 

I really wish Tsunade delayed Naruto's mission one day, but I know she wasn't aware of her plans or what could happen. Anyway, I doubt Naruto would have been on board with this and would have stopped it all the moment he saw her tears. In a way, it's a good and bad thing that he isn't here right now. Her night would be a lot more peaceful if she were in his arms.

I set her down on my bed and make sure she is tucked in properly. I grab a chair and place it next to the bed to stay close to her during the night. Even though I could have tried to sleep and wake up when something happened, my eyes wouldn't shut for even a minute. I grab my book and distract myself within the pages as I let my eyes check on her from time to time. 

In the middle of the night, I feel her stirring and mumbling; I look at her and find the covers falling off of her. Before I could fix them for her, she sat up in bed screaming, "NARUTO! KAKASHI!" she was sweating and panting.

"Hey, I'm here. It was just a dream." I jump to her side and turn her face towards me. "It's not real; I'm here." I tell her again, and her breathing starts to calm down. "It's just a dream..." she mumbles. 

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