Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s POV:

"ENOUGH!" I scream as I do my hand signs and send out my huge fireball in between the Raikage and Sasuke. They both jump back to avoid my attack and look to see who would stop them. "You are fighting the wrong enemy!" I yell at them, "Sasuke! This isn't what we agreed on; what are you doing!?" I turn to lecture him. "You came for Danzō, and now you are wasting time with the Raikage for no reason; he's escaping, so go after him. I'll fix things here." I can see he wanted to yell back, but he looks to Karin for confirmation, and once she nods, they both escape.

"What do you think you're doing!?" the Raikage yells at me as he comes to tower over me. Okay... he is really huge. "Yondaime, please give me a few minutes of your time to explain." I stand straight, trying to appear bigger than I really am, but who am I kidding... "You allowed Sasuke to escape!" he yells again. "That's what I'm trying to explain! I'll answer all your questions for you if you just give me a chance." I put my hands on my hips and looked up at him.

Gaara and the others come closer to us to calm the man down and hear the information. "So it's true. You are working with Uchiha Sasuke." he glares at me. My hands drop, and I look around me. "Okay, I don't know how to answer that question, any others?" I smile innocently at him, but he was not having it.

"(Y/N)... your personality really clashes with the Raikage. Just get to the point." Gaara says. "Excuse you, my personality is awesome, okay! He is just too pissed off to appreciate it." I cross my arms again. "(Y/N). Explain to him the truth behind the attack." Sai says sternly.

"Okay, look, long story short. I'm a shinobi from Konoha; I recently discovered that I'm an Uchiha, so I'm still working on all that. When I found out that there were other Uchihas, I sought them out. I did a little therapy work and got the Uchiha brothers reunited! And then we exposed Danzō, and now Danzō wants to kill all of us off. Sasuke and I were really here just for that man, so I can assure you that Itachi and Sasuke have been off duty from any action for a while now." I say in one breath and come to continue, but he interrupts me.

"Hold on. Itachi is alive?" that's his question? "Of course he is; I worked damn hard to keep him that way. Why assume he's dead?" I ask back. "Because no one has seen him in a while, we assumed Sasuke has achieved his goal of killing his brother, and now he came after mine." he growls again. "Hey, it's not like Sasuke has some weird obsession with killing off siblings, man! He had his reasons to go after his brother, but I just told you, I fixed that, and now they are happily living together." I see Gaara shaking his head and Sai face-palming himself.

"So Sasuke didn't kill my brother? How are you so sure?" he asks again. "Because as I was saying, when Danzō decided to lock me up for my heritage, I met the guy with the mask who I'm guessing is now Uchiha Madara, which before you go off again, I have no idea who that is so don't relate him to us other Uchihas. It seems we have some anger issues we need to deal with." I shake my head at the thought that all Uchihas I met have had anger issues... 

"Just continue." he rolls his eyes. "I was getting to it, sheesh. Anyway, he told me he set Sasuke up! He wanted him to come here and start a fight with you. He wanted the both of you to get rid of each other, and you were playing right into his plan." I shrug.

"I don't follow anyone's plans but mine!" he yells at me. "Right, well, my point is, Sasuke has been out of action for a while; I'm completely sure he has done nothing to no one. That masked weirdo attacked your brother." I finish, and he takes a minute to think about it. "You should really work on your short stories, man." I hear Kankurō say to me. "Was it too short? Did I miss something?" I ask. He looks at me weirdly and then back at Sai, to which he only shrugs. "No! That was too long! You could have just said that Madara told you he attacked the Raikage's brother and not Sasuke!" he explains with his hands raised.

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