Chapter 26

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Everyone is here and ready to finish this war! Team 7 is back together, and the Alliance is motivated enough; we face the Ten-Tails and try to find a way to bring it down. "Everyone," Hashirama yells. "I'll open up space for you to enter and attack the Ten-Tails." he says as four of his clones manifest. He sends one of them to fight Madara while the other three work their way to open up an entrance. "Hashirama, don't insult me with this clone. It's not fun to fight it; come yourself!" I hear Madara shout back.

"He's pouting and whining." I try to hold back my laugh. "I really don't think you should mock someone like Madara Uchiha." Sai gave me a look, but I could see the slight smile he was hiding.

I stand next to Shikamaru at the lead. "We don't have the time or luxury to falter now. We will destroy this ugly thing and end this war once and for all." I scream out, and the Alliance cheers behind me. "Thank God I didn't have to give a speech." he thanked me in his own way. "Don't worry, I got you." I wink at him, and he shakes his head.

Once we see the opening, we all rush inside. The Ten-Tails roars loudly at our intrusion and sends out his own army filled with all sorts of monsters. I didn't know he could do that! Where did they even come from? Disgusting!

We fight them off, and I use my Fire Jutsus and my Earth ones. Trying to keep as many of those things back as possible. The other Shinobi from the Alliance have been fighting from the start, with barely any breaks. I'm in full energy right now; I can afford to push myself a bit more to lessen their load.

Just as I thought we were gaining on it, it roars again and sends out more monsters. This time they were bigger and stronger. "Mangekyō Sharingan!" I activate them and spread my arms apart to send as many fiery feathers as I can. To effect the bigger monsters, I enlarge the feathers from their usual size and rain them down.

"W-What is that? What's going on?" I hear someone say. "No time to admire, don't worry, they won't hurt you. Continue fighting." I tell him and summon more feathers. It was harder to concentrate on both burning the monsters and making sure the feathers that were touching the Alliance weren't activated.

"(Y/N). Take it easy." Itachi burns a monster as he stands behind me. "No can do, Itachi. Don't worry, I'm fine for now. We have to give our all for this." I form a fireball and send it out at a monster nearby when I couldn't summon feathers fast enough.

I hear something flying and look up; Sai is going in for an attack. Before he lands, the Ten-Tails swats him off his bird. "Sai!" I yell just as Naruto jumps and catches him. "Naruto, we won't make it like this. There's too many." Sai tells him, and Naruto agrees.

He looks around, and our eyes lock. He looks closely at them and notices the new pattern and the fiery feathers around me. "I guess you really did it. Your new power is amazing." he gives me his big grin, and I couldn't help but grin back. "Of course I did. You can't be the only one getting cooler!" we both laugh, "We will see about that." he smirks and gets back to his team.

All of a sudden, three giant beasts appear. Naruto's toad, Gamakichi, jumps in the air and directly goes for the Ten-Tails. Sakura is now able to summon Katsuyu, which is incredible! She sends her towards us to help heal the wounded Shinobi. Sasuke's snake, Aoba, is personally the coolest for me... He doesn't need to know that, though.

Everyone has a summoning animal... Why don't I? Augh, not the time for that.

Sasuke and Aoba cut through all the defenses and guard the Ten-Tails has put up and opened a way for us. "Come on, everyone. This is our chance!" I yell out and run towards the beast. Once he gets there, Sasuke aims his Amaterasu Bow and Arrow, "Leave the rest to me!" I hear Naruto yell out as he also sends a Giant Rasenshuriken.

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