Chapter 29

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(Y/N)'s POV:

A couple of weeks pass by with things staying the same around us. Now that there is peace in the world, we aren't getting as many missions as before. Naruto and I have been busy studying for the Jōnin exam. He is quite enjoying our little study dates.

Shikamaru and Iruka? Not so much. Naruto always gets distracted and I haven't found them that hard, so I'm understanding faster than Naruto which puts the teachers in a tough spot. So Iruka threatened Naruto that if he doesn't start concentrating, he will split us up into different study times.

Naruto became an obedient student instantly. I do help him with some of the things he struggles with at home and he likes to live our study dates in private.

Ever since the war, Naruto has not let me go to my house. Things always have to happen or be in his house. He only allows me to pick up new clothes or whatever else I could need. It's giving me the courage to finally bring up the topic of moving in together, but I just can't seem to find the right time.

Today we are going to the Hokage's office, Kakashi summoned up saying it's important for us to be there. I guess a little action won't hurt in our schedule. "What do you think it's about?" Naruto asks. "No idea, I was with him yesterday and he didn't say anything is coming up." I shrug. "Do you think he saw how serious we are about being Jōnin and decided to just promote us?" Naruto asks excitedly. "I doubt, he was pretty serious about it taking two years." I chuckle when his shoulders fall. 

He really hates studying.

We get inside and walk up to his office. We knock on the door and he tells us to come in. Of all the things we could have thought of on what he could need us for, none of this was remotely possible in our heads.

"Sasuke!?" Naruto exclaims as he rushes to his friend's side. "What are you doing here? Is something going on?" he asks and turns to Kakashi. I close the door behind me and walk up to Sasuke to pat his shoulder. "Good to see you again, Little Uchiha." I smile and he nods.

Sasuke is always serious, but he's more than usual now. What's going on?

"How are you doing, Obito?" I ask the other Uchiha in the room. "As fine as I can be." he smiles, but his eyes give out how tired he has been. Is something happening to them in prison? "Before you jump to conclusions." Kakashi starts and looks at me. "They are both fine, nothing bad is going on, and you guys are here to hear good news." he relieves us and Naruto gets excited again.

"The Uchiha trial just ended." Kakashi starts and both me and Naruto stand straight and serious. I look between Sasuke and Obito, but their faces aren't giving out the results. They aren't happy which could mean it went bad, but they aren't upset either... So I can't tell. Plus Kakashi said it's good news. "(Y/N)." I snap out and look at him. "How about you let me tell you instead of analyzing it all on your own." he smirks and I rub my hands together. "Sorry, you're creating this suspense atmosphere. It's driving me crazy. Especially when these two Uchiha won't let their real feelings show on their face." I point to the two of them.

Obito finally laughs and Sasuke scoffs. "All Uchiha have been pardoned." Kakashi finally finishes his sentence and Naruto and I jump in joy! "FINALLY! YES!" I scream and drag Naruto so we can hug Sasuke together. "Our Little Uchiha is finally free!" we say at the same time, and surprisingly Sasuke just accepts it.

"But!" Kakashi speaks over our voice. We turn to him again, "All three of them will have ANBU watching them at all times for a while." he says and I could tell Naruto wanted to argue that conclusion but didn't. Well, I've never held back my thoughts. "Why? For how long? I get they did bad things and should be punished and they probably got out because of you as Hokage and Naruto as the Hero." I start and before anyone could stop me, I continue, "But do they not care that they did actually help in the war!?" 

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