Chapter 1

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Zayn's POV

Ever since I was a little boy I always thought about this day. It's the annual choosing day.

At the beginning of every year all powerful humans, demons and angels meet to figure out who they will be taking as their own.

There are no specific rules to how you have to treat your partner. All of my father's friends have beat their human girls to the brink death and when they had to be nursed back to health they always begged my mother to kill them off.

They claimed that they were treated more like sex slaves than a partner. In the end my mother would either help them escape from their ruthless demonic partner or would kill them off if she knew they had no way of recovering.

I guess you could say my mom and dad's relationship was a bit different.

My dad didn't act like his fellow demons. He held my mother up on this high pedestal. He practically worshiped her.

Never in my twenty years of life have I seen my dad lay a hand on my mom and the one time he tried to she threatened to leave after she beat the living shit out of him.

That's probably why my parents don't have many friends. My mom has no filter. She believes that she can say whatever she wants, but when you live in a place like Hell surrounded by hellish creatures that's probably not the best idea.

Every demon is suppose to choose their partner by the age of eighteen, but my father claimed that I wasn't ready these past two years.

I couldn't have agreed more. Training to be the next ruler of Hell isn't as easy as it sounds. If I would have found my partner she would have been too distracting.

But now I'm ready. I've trained long and hard these past two years to prove to my father that I'm ready. Not only to take his place as the ruler of Hell, but to also finally have my partner.

The perks of being the most powerful demon in all of Hell is that I get to choose my partner first. Along with getting to choose my partner first I get to choose how every demon is allowed to treat his partner.

I haven't put much thought into that since I know how everyone will be treating their partner.

"Prince Malik the choosing book is ready for you." A guard says from my door.

I nod my head and stand from my bed, straightening out my suit.

I walk out the room and down the hall at a moderate pace. The guard stopped at a door near the place the actual ceremony will take place.

I slowly step inside of the room and walk towards a table that has an open laptop on it.

Sitting in the chair I touch the mouse on the laptop and the screen lights up.

"Welcome." Says an overly happy female voice. "Right now is the private choosing for Mr. Malik. If anyone else is in the room please leave now."

The computer started a countdown from ten.

"Mr. Malik you will get the chance to see every available female between the ages of eighteen and twenty eight. You may click on any photo of a girl that you find appealing and her profile will be saved. You are not allowed to go back to a previous female, but you are allowed to go forward. After having gone through every possible unchosen female, you can review any profiles that you saved and make your final decision. Happy hunting."

The female voice died out and a screen with the number twenty eight popped up. Rolling my eyes I skip through all of the twenty eight females and on. When the screen pops up and says twenty I finally ease back into my seat and watch as a beautiful young woman flashes onto the screen.

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