Chapter 31

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Iyla's POV

Month Two

My first month of freedom didn't go exactly as planned, but I guess all of the things that I have done these past couple of weeks have made up for my time being spent so crappy.

You see, the morning after Jake, Niall and I had our movie night, Niall went to his father and demanded that he not work him so much.

Right after barging into his father's office, with the most determined look ever, he said: "Father, I understand that what we are trying to do with the humans is extremely important and requires majority, if not all, of our attention. But we have invited two guests into our home and we have been neglecting them. This is not the way you have raised me, so I thinks it's best if you allow me to spend more time with Iyla and Jake. Forcing them to stay in the house with nothing to do is our fault and this is the only way to solve that problem."

Jake and I were hiding around the corner when all of this was happening. It was quite interesting to hear Niall sound so well mannered.

Overall, Jake and I were sure his father was going to yell and scream about how just cause they had guests didn't mean they could neglect their duties. 

Yeah, that didn't happen. Bob was real calm about the whole situation and even agreed with his son. I think he even felt kind of bad that they were neglecting us, well more like me.

Bob ended up giving Niall a bunch of time off. Said that he can get back to work once we leave.

Ever since then we have been busy.

Niall has made sure we can do anything and everything possible.

As long as it's legal he thinks it's fine.

Of course the bungee jumping didn't exactly go as planned.

I told the boys not to do it. The cord didn't exactly look safe, but apparently it's important to jump off of the tallest bridge in the world.

They almost died, but I warned them so it's their fault.

Apparently there is some carnival/circus in town and Niall has been wanting to go, but since he's also wanted to do a thousand other things we haven't had the chance.

Last night, Jake mentioned that tonight was the last night that the carnival/circus is going to be in town.

Even though we had plans for tonight, Niall changed his mind and said we are going to the carnival.

So here we are. All four of us.

I say four cause Jake brought along a friend of his.

His name is Tyler. He's cute and the complete opposite of Jake. While Jake is tall, buff, dark brown hair,blue eyes and a has a cocky attitude. Tyler is average height with a slight build, blonde hair with brown highlights, green eyes and a face that will make you cry from how beautiful it is.

I absolutely despise him and his chiseled jaw. Ugh, men and their good looks!

Tyler and Jake have known each other since they were kids. They grew up in the same neighborhood and were best friends for a long time.

I haven't asked for many of the details, but I know that at some point they drifted apart. Maybe it was while Jake was away.

But, when Jake ran off that's who he was staying with.

It was nice to know that Jake was safe and with someone that knows him. It eased my mind.

Jake asked us if we would be fine if he tagged along.

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