Chapter 22

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Iyla's POV

It's been two days since I told Zayn about my temporary freedom.

If I'm to be honest, I have been too afraid to even leave my room. I have this crazy feeling that if I come out then Zayn will be waiting to kill me or something.

I know he would not kill me, but he did not seem to be very happy about what the council had decided.

He cannot blame anyone, but himself for this happening. Did he seriously expect me to sit on the side and act like I do not know he is sleeping with my own sister?

I know that my sister and I do not get along, but if she just expected me to hand over Zayn she was wrong.

As I look out the back patio door, I sigh.

It is such a beautiful day outside and here I am mopping over some guy that does not even love me.

For the past two days Niall has come over. He has never stayed long, but he usually comes just to check up on me and to make sure that I have eaten.

Standing up from my seat at the little table, I walk closer to the sliding door.

There are not many people on the beach since the resort has a pool, but I do see someone standing on the edge of the water.

From just one glance it looks like a man just trying to enjoy his day, but upon closer inspection I realize that it is Niall.

He is wearing a white tank top with white swim trunks and grey stripes. His shirt flaps and slightly rises due to the wind. His hands lay at his side occasionally playing with the fabric of his swim trunks.

He is amazing really. The way his blonde hair reflects off the light makes it seem like a halo is constantly hovering over the top of his head.

A smile slowly makes its way onto my face as I realize that I have perfectly described him as an Angel. He has the heart and soul of an Angel and it amazes me that he is able to stay so pure in such a time of evil.

Running a hand through my hair, I decide to go outside.

I cannot be stuck in the room for the remainder of this trip. I need to go out and socialize with other people. Maybe Niall will not mind if I join him on the beach. It would be nice to have some kind of company since I have been alone majority of the time.

Turning around, I walk towards my room and pull my suitcase out from under my bed. I knew that it would make more sense to put everything in drawers, but I was too lazy.

Rummaging through my suitcase I find multiple different bikini's. In the mass of bikini's one manages to stick out.

I didn't notice it because of this bright colors or the fact of how it is not as short as the other. I noticed it for how simple it is compared to the others.

Knowing that Niall is wearing swim trunks that are simple, I figured it would be a brilliant idea to wear a bathing suit that is simple.

Boy was I wrong.

Once I have the simple black bikini with cheetah print bows on it, I realized I didn't fit in it at all.

Since there are no straps on the top the big bow in the middle of the bikini pulls the top down a lot lower than I would like it to be.

Sighing, I turn back to the suitcase and continue to dig around.

As my hand runs over the bottom of my suitcase, I hear something crinkle.

Pushing my hand forward, I realize that it's a plastic bag. Pulling the bag out, I reach inside.

Instead of pulling out a bathing suit, I pull out a note card.

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