Chapter 10

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Iyla's POV

I silently sit on the carpeted ground somewhat dazed. Is this magnificent creature talking to me. Of course he is. There is no one else around me. Or is there someone behind me that he could be talking to?

Slowly looking over my shoulder I see no one is behind me. So he is talking to me. 

"Love, are you alright?" I quickly turn back around and nod my head.

"Sorry I kind of zoned out for a moment." I say in a hushed voice.

He lightly chuckles.

"It's fine. You still have not given me the pleasure of knowing your name."

"Iyla. Iyla Zeller."

"Well Iyla how about we get off if this floor. It's not as comfortable as it looks." 

A smile breaks out on my face and I nod my head. Niall quickly jumps to his feet before extending a hand down towards me. I gently grasp his hand and let him pull me to my feet.

"So, who was that girl?" He asks me as I dust myself off.

"That girl just so happens to be my sister. She hates me with every fiber of her being. She claims that he life was perfect until I came along." I say sarcastically.

"Well I guess she has every right to be jealous. Not many girls are chosen by two of the most powerful beings in the world."

I slightly jump at the sound of Zayn's voice.

"Zayn. You scared me." I whisper as he walks towards me.

"Horan." Zayn menacingly says.

"Malik." Niall says with a clenched jaw.

Zayn and Niall have a silent stare down before Zayn looks away from him and down at me.

"I finished making sure we were all checked in and I couldn't find you. If it was not for me seeing your parents I would not have known you were still up here. I was about to go ballistic again. Losing you twice in one day would be hectic." He said.

"I am quite sorry I gave you such a scare. You see my sister accidentally bumped into and when I fell on the floor Mr. Horan here helped me up. Before I knew it we were striking up a interesting conversation about my sisters jealousy habits. We did not even notice that we were alone in the lobby. Isn't that Mr. Horan?"

Without taking his eyes off of Zayn, Niall nods his head.

"Your partner is quite intriguing, Malik. Keep her close to you while on this trip. You would not want someone to snatch her from you." Niall says before turning around and walking down a hall.

Some sort of growl comes from Zayn. Before I am able to question the sound Zayn turns us in the opposite direction of where Niall went.

"Are we going to our room?" I ask.

Zayn stays silent, but he nods his head. The walk to the room is completely silent.

As we walk further from the lobby I notice that all of the halls that we pass have a similar color scheme. All of the halls are filled with multiple Demons that are trying to get some sort of help settling into their rooms.

"So, I'm guessing the ship is split in half?" Zayn sighs and opens a door at the end of a hall.

"There are seven decks in total. Three for Demons and three for Angels. Humans are put on either decks. They have certain halls specifically for them. The seventh deck is where everyone will meet and have dinner."

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