Chapter 28

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Iyla's POV

Everyone had gathered in the lobby to say their quick goodbyes.

I think everyone seemed a bit hesitant, especially since both my parents decided to not acknowledge Zayn or my sister.

Talk about awkward.

"Are you sure you want to go with Niall?" My mother asks me.

"You know you are more than welcome to come back home." My father intervenes.

I sigh with a slight smile on my face.

"I know that I can go back home, but it would be nice to go to some place new. All I've seen is Italy, maybe Ireland will be different." I shrug.

Mom sighs and leans back into her wheelchair.

"Well, just make sure you call me-"

"Everyday."  My father interrupts my mother.

Mom gives him a glare and looks back at me.

"Ignore your father. He is just worried about you. Just call whenever you are free. We'll be home."

I pause.

"You're not gonna be with Zayn?" I ask her.

She shakes her head.

"I honestly can't stand to look at your sister or Zayn right about now. So, he agreed to send some nurses home with me. I'll have a 24/7 nurse just like if I was at his house." She reassures me.

Nodding my head, I place my bags down.

Leaning over, I give my mother a quick hug.

"Please be safe, honey." She whispers into my ear.\

Giving her a reassuring squeeze, I let go of her.

"Come here, pumpkin." My dad says as he opens his arms.

He gives me a quick kiss on my temple and releases me.

"I'll see you both in three months, okay?"

My parents nod their heads as I pick up my bags.

Turning away, I walk towards a car that Jake is leaning against.

"Its official." He says.

"What is?"

"I hate you. Zayn just gave me the biggest talk ever. Apparently he is blaming me for the fact that you are leaving with Niall." He exasperatedly sighs.

I shrug my shoulders and hand him my bags.

"He's just pissed that I didn't go home with my parents. I mean, that was the plan, but things change. So he needs to get over it. Besides none of this wouldn't be happening if he wasn't such an asshole."

Jake rolls his eyes as he slams the trunk closed.

"Just get in the car." Jake says as he walks around me to open the door.

"I could have gotten the door myself." I mumble under my breath.

"Can't let you do that missy."

"Shut up."

Sliding into the car, I see that only Niall is sitting in the back.

"Where are your parents?" I ask him.

"They had to leave last night to prepare for your arrival. So, you'll get to meet them when we get there." 

I nod in understanding.

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