Chapter 12

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Iyla's POV 

As desert starting coming to an end everyone began to split into groups. Men in one and women in another.

Zayn had yet to say a word to me after Niall had left the table. He seemed extremely angry. I understand that he does not like Niall, but sometimes he acts as if I am going  to jump into Niall's arms and we are going to run off into the sunset.

I would never do that. I know the rules and the consequences for what will happen if I am with any other man, but Zayn.

I am pulled out of my thoughts when I feel someone pulling on the sleeve of my dress.

"It is time for us ladies to go back to our rooms. The men are gonna stay behind and do whatever it is they do while we are gone." Trish says to me with a tight smile.

I nod my head and rise from my chair.

I do not bother to tell Zayn bye. I will see him when he comes back to the room later on. Hopefully we will be able to talk.

The walk to the room is silent. I can tell that Waliyah wants to say something, but keeps her mouth shut once she look at her mom.

Once the door is thoroughly shut behind us all three girls run straight to their rooms. Following their lead I begin to head to my room across the suite.

"Iyla dear, do you think I can talk to you for a minute?" I nod my head and walk towards one of the couches in the living room.

Trish sighs as she settles into her seat.

"What you did tonight was very disrespectful. I know it may not have seemed like it because Mr. Horan asked you to give your opinion on their conversation, but when men are talking we are not to intervene in their conversation."

"I am quite sure you felt the tension at the table. Honestly I was waiting for Zayn to excuse you and himself from the table. He looked beyond embarrassed. His perfect little partner makes the biggest mistake of them all. Just so you know from now on, do not do that. Any other man would have disciplined their partner the minute they started speaking too loudly. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand. I will not make the mistake again." I whisper.

Trish smiles and stands up.

"Great." She beams. "Go and get ready for bed. Zayn should be back within a few hours."

Nodding my head I whisper, "Good night." 

Once inside my room I take a deep breath and lean against the door. Deciding to take Trish's advice I change into a pair of leggings and a baggy shirt.

Sitting on the couch I turn the TV on some random channel and lean my head against my hand. The voices from the TV slowly start to lower as I slip into a well needed sleep.

I jolt awake as I hear a yelp. Rubbing my eyes I look at the digital clock on the wall that reads 3:30 am.

Groaning I sit back against the couch. Realizing that the TV is off I rise from the couch and head towards the room where Zayn should be.

As I walk down the hall I hear silent feminine moans coming from our room. I silently push the door open a little to see Zayn ripping off some brunettes underwear. Seconds later she screams out in pleasure as Zayn pushes himself into her. Zayn whispers for her to shut up and the girl's cries of pleasure cease.

Pushing away from the door I quietly walk out of the suite. While I was towards the main door of the suite I hear more silent moans coming from Zayn's parents room.

A shiver runs down my spine as I push open the door and quickly escape up the stairs.

I run through the halls and up another staircase until I come to the main level of the ship. There is a slight early morning breeze that causes me to shiver.

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