Chapter 24

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Iyla's POV

Niall and I aimlessly walked towards the beach in a comfortable silence. The weight of his arm that was currently resting on my shoulder was quite comforting. The warmth that radiated from his body to mine was also very comforting.

Just being around him was comforting.

He is the complete opposite of Zayn. He's more down to Earth in a sense. It seems like he has all of the time in the world. Whereas with Zayn it seemed like he never had enough time.

As we wandered towards the beach, I couldn't help but people watch. It seems like everyone here is so free. Like they don't have a single care in the world.

I wonder what it's like to feel like that? You know, to feel so carefree.

It seemed as if the whole town was heading towards the beach for this festival.

As we rounded a corner it seemed like the party had already started.

Everyone was on the beach dancing and have a good time. Like I said before, it seemed like they didn't have a care in the world.

"What did you say this party was for again?" I ask Niall.

"It's to celebrate the blue moon." He says as he looks at the crowd of people.

"Apparently it doesn't occur that often, so when it does they go all out."

I nod my head in understanding.

As I look at the people, I notice something. Every single person is wearing some kind of blue.

"Niall, is it just me or is everyone wearing blue?" I quizzically ask.

"Everyone is wearing blue." He says.

Looking down at my outfit, I realize I probably won't fit in with everyone else.

"We should probably go and change." I mention.

Niall shakes his head and starts to lead us towards everyone else.

"We aren't locals, so I think it's okay if we aren't dressed appropriately."

Sighing, I allow Niall to pull me through the large crowd.

Stopping in the middle, he turns to me gives a face that says 'lets see what you got'.

Confused, I stand there and watch as Niall begins to make a complete fool of himself. He throws his hands in the air and begins to move his hips in a really odd manner.

I can't help but chuckle when he throws his head back and begins to try and shuffle his way towards me while shaking his chest.

Grabbing his shirt, I pull him up and slightly shake my head.

"Will you go request a song for me?" I ask.

He eagerly nods his head.

Pulling him closer towards me, I whisper the desired song into his ear and give him a slight push.

"When that song comes on I'll show you how to really dance." I say with a slight smirk.

Smiling, he stuffs his hands in his shorts pockets and walks towards the DJ.

Not knowing what to do, I play with the hem of my sundress. After standing there awkwardly, I turn around to find a place to sit.

Just as I'm about to take a step forward, I feel a light tug on my dress.

Looking down, I see a little girl. She looks to be no older than three.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

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