Chapter 8

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Iyla's POV

I'm harshly thrown into a dark room. As the door closes I scramble to get off of the floor.

After a quick look around the room I realize no one is there. I hold my side as I run to the door.

I grimace as a sharp pain rushes through my back and my side. Pulling on the door as hard as I can the door doesn't open.

"You can't open that." Says a deep bone chilliny voice.

I quickly turn around to face the voice. Instead of looking at a person I'm face down on a bed.

The mysterious figure, who I now know is a man, climbs on top of me.

"You know I was one of the few men who wanted you. I was prepared to do anything to get you, but the minute I got excited it said you were already taken. Zayn. That sneaky, spoiled son of a bitch always gets what he wants. But you know what he won't get?"

He asks me as I squirm underneath him.

"Your virginity." He whisper into my ear.

"Please. Don't do this." I cry out as his hand run over my body.

"None of this would be possible if it wasn't for that jealous bitch Sara. She and all the other girls despise you." He chuckles.

"How could Zayn, someone so good looking and powerful, want a weak, silver haired human?" He asks as he leans one arm against my shoulders and his other hands reaches the button of my pants.

"You'll thank me for this later." He maniacally laughs.

He sticks his hand inside my pants and pushes against my underwear. He groans as he starts to slip his fingers inside of my underwear.

I start to hysterically cry and try to push him off of me.

It's obvious that this man is twice my size and no matter how hard I try to make him stop he will over power me.

Just as I'm about to scream a loud crash is heard on the other side of the room.

I look up to see a man laying near a broken lamp. The man looks a bit disoriented.

When he looks up his face pales. I slowly turn onto my back to see Zayn standing over me. I honestly couldn't have been more happier to see him.

He never once looks at me. His eyes are on the man on the ground.

After I get a good look at him I understand why the man was scared. Zayn's eyes were a bright hazel and his pupils were red. His jaw was tightly clenched and his hands were fisted by his side.

"Louis." Zayn snaps. "Go get my father, and send Jenessa to go get Sara and bring her here. I don't care what she has to say to get her here, just make sure she does it."

I turn my head in time to see Louis disappearing out the room. The door is laying in the hall on the floor and part of the door frame has been ripped off along with the door.

We all sit in silence as voices are heard down the hall.

"Are you serious?" Sara asks someone.

"Mhm. Zayn said that Iyla won't be enough for him sexually, and that he needs someone who can lead his people." Jenessa lies.

"Finally." Sara mumbles as she walks down the hall.

"He's down this hall in the third room. He said he wants to be with you without any interruptions."

Seconds later heels are heard clacking against the floor hurriedly.

As Sara reaches the door she tries to act seductively.

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