Chapter 20

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Iyla's POV

Tonight is the night.

After preparing everything yesterday, we were finally ready. By we, I mean Niall and I.

It took Niall a while to grasp the fact that he was being used to make Zayn jealous, but once I promised him that after the ball was over that we would still hang out, he eventually came around to the idea.

The ball starts in less than an hour and I am just now starting on my hair.

Now I know majority of everyone else that will be attending is probably doing some finishing touch to their outfits or their make up, making sure that their kids are presentable and what not. I, on the other hand, am not doing that and have yet to put on my dress.

Jake thought it would be a great idea if we were "fashionably" late. He thinks the idea of me arriving late on Niall's arm will drive me crazy.

As I slowly do my hair I start to think about how tonight.

I know that me walking in with Niall will cause quite an uproar. Not just because he and Zayn strongly dislike one another, but I turned down many people saying that I was going by myself. Then again, majority of the guys that were asking me were unattractive old men that Zayn knew.

I shudder as I finish putting the last bobby pin in my hair.

After applying a small amount of make up, I sit back in my chair.

Looking in the mirror, I roll my eyes at the contrast between my gold dress that I will be wearing, and my very light silver hair.

I really should have done something with it before tonight. It's not like I would not have been able to redye it silver. It may take a good chunk of time, but I would eventually get the color back.

Sighing, I rise from my vanity and see that the ball has just begun.

Grabbing my dress, I take it off the hanger and slowly tug it up my body. Shimmying to get the dress past my hips takes a good minute or two, but I get the dress up.

Reaching behind me, I pull the zipper up as high as my arms will let me.

The sheer gold color and embellishments compliment my slightly tan skin tone. The body hugging aspect of the dress help extenuate my figure. The thing I love the most is the train. The gold embellishments on it help add to its beauty.

Knowing that I will have to ask Niall for help causes my cheeks to heat up. Looking in the mirror one more time, my face has a nice pink tint to it thanks to my weird thoughts.

I know it's wrong of me to think of Niall in more than a friendly way, but I can't help it.

But I cannot help it. He is one of the sweetest people I have ever met, and I have met quite a few people.

He is just so different. He isn't like the other Angels or Demons that think humans are inferior life form. It seems like he is actually interested in what goes on in our life.

And he sure as hell is not like Zayn. Niall actaully pays attention to me and he makes me feels special.

He does that quite often, making me feel like I am the world's most precious gem and that it is his job to treat me the right way.

What girl would not want to be treated like that? I mean it is every girls dream.

But, what do you do when you are married to one person that treats you like every other girl he knows and when you have one guy that treats you like you mean the world to him?

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