Chapter 19

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Iyla's POV

Bang bang bang

My eyes slowly opened due to the loud banging noise that seemed to be coming from some place near my room.

Bang bang bang bang

Running my hand over my face, I slowly start to sit myself up.


"Oh my God." I groan. 

Pushing myself off of the bed I quickly walk towards my door.

Forcefully swinging the door open I come face to face with an annoyed Zayn.

"Why were you not answering the door?" He asks walking past me into my room.

Closing the door, I follow behind him.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because I was asleep." I sarcastically reply.

"It's almost ten in the morning, Iyla."

"Does it look like I care? I like sleeping, so is there a reason you came and ruined my beauty sleep?"

Picking up a blanket from the couch, I wrap it around myself and curl into a ball on the edge of the couch.

"What? Am I not allowed to see my wife?" I scoff.

"I am not your wife."

"Why is that?" He asks.

"We have yet to finish the necessary paper to confirm that we are married, so until those papers are signed and turned in we are not actually married." 

He sighs.

"Well according to everyone at our wedding we are officially married, so therefore you are my wife."

Rolling my eyes, I cuddle into the couch pillow.

Silence fills the room causing me to lull back into a deep sleep.

"I was hoping that we could go sight seeing today." Zayn says randomly.

Now it is my turn to sigh.

"Actually Jake and I have planned to go shopping. I need some new clothes and we still have to get some more dresses for all of these fancy dinners that I have to attend." I respond.

"Sorry." I shrug.

He purses his lips before standing.

"Well, I guess I will see you around. Maybe your sister and I will run into you while you are out." I stiffen at his words.

I grit my teeth as he walks out of my room.

How dare he say that! Who the hell does he think he is? I need to get away now before I run after him and do, or say, something that I will end up regretting later.

Taking a deep breath I stand from my seat and pick up my hotel phone. Dialing Jake's room number I wait for him to answer.

After three rings he answers sounding like he just woke up.

"Hello." He mumbles.

"Wake up. Lover boy just came in here and pissed me off. I need to leave now before I go to prison for murder." I reveal.

He mummers a string of profanities before groaning.

"Be ready by eleven. We can stop and get something to eat while we are out." I state before hanging up the phone.

Dropping the blanket, I head towards the bathroom. Grabbing a towel from the closet, I hang it over the shower.

Quickly stripping, I step into the shower.

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