Chapter 21

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Zayn's POV

It's been two minutes since Iyla left with Niall and I still have not processed what she said to me.

It is not possible. The council would never grant a request as ridiculous as that one.

This was a deal between Iyla's father and I. Sure I have fucked up a few times along the way, but that does not mean I want to be with Iris.

I mean she's great and all, but she is nothing compared to her sister.

Iris does not have the qualities, nor the strength that it takes to be a leader. She also does not have the undying beauty.

Iris is beautiful. She's one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen, but Iyla is exquisite.

Her beauty is not only in her looks, it is also in her spirit.

With her personality and the love that she has for animals and humans alike it proves that she is capable of being a great ruler and an even better wife.

What have I done?

"She just can't leave like that." I whisper to myself.

"Zaynie, it's okay. Now that she is gone we can be together just like you promised. I will be the best ruler ever. I promise." Iris says.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath.

The shift of power in the room is quite obvious. Once I am sure they are in the room I slowly turn around and face the back window.

"Please tell me you did not grant her that ridiculous request?" I ask.

Everyone slowly turns towards the back window.

Four mysterious figures have emerged dressed in a black cloak. Three of the four figures are rather tall and stand behind a much small cloaked figure. All are looking at the ground, but once I voiced my question and the crowd was looking at them, they lifted their heads.

The council has arrived and like always they just had to make a big dramatic entrance.

If I could I would kill the council, but apparently if I do that there will be hell on Earth and everyone will die. Including Demons and Angels.

The figure in front threw its hood back and fixed her platinum blonde hair.

"Of course we did. It was not our intention at the beginning." The cloaked lady says.

"It was not until Ace came forward and told that what she said was true. It is our duty to watch each leader and you Mr. Malik have been a bad leader."

As she spoke, I slowly made my way through the crowd towards the elders.

"I understand that what I have been doing is wrong, but do you not think that I should have been issued a warning? Granting this requesr is completely unexpected and irresponsible." I seethe.

The three hooded figures throw their hoods back and look at me with nothing but disbelief.

"Do you not think that you were given many warnings?" The figure on the left says.

"Did the rogues sensing you multiple videos of your helpless wife not seem like a warning?" The figure on the right says.

"You were given more than your fair share of warnings Mr. Malik. If it were mot for us your beloved wife would have died a very long time ago." The figure in the middle says.

The woman in the front raises her hand and all three men quiet down.

"Mist is quite right Mr. Malik. Your beloved Iyla would have died. Us sending her back was your last and final warning. We assumed that you would have realized how bad you missed up and would have embraced your wife in your arms and admit your guilt. But instead you continued to commit adultery while your wife was in the same house and in return she has asked for her freedom." She says.

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