Chapter 23

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Iyla's POV

Lunch was incredible.

I don't know if it was incredible because the food was so good, or because I finally got to act like myself.

Just being able to sit down and talk felt so nice.

When you are expected to be the ruler of Hell's partner, apparently you aren't allowed to talk. Which sucks.

Sitting at a table and listening to all of the guys speak isn't as fun as some might think it is.

And now, here I am, sitting at a table being able to say whatever I want. Knowing that there won't be any consequences.

Niall stepped away from the table to take a call, so I'm currently sitting by myself watching a young couple look like they are head over heels in love.

It's so refreshing to see an actual couple look in love.

The way that the young man stares at the girl is breathtaking.

While she continuously talks about whatever comes to mind, he silently sits there watching her. A small smile lingers on his face and a twinkle shines in his eyes, like he's met the love of his life.

He slowly lays out his left hand and she gently places her hand in his. After a brief smile, the boy raises her hand to his lips and presses his lips very softly against her knuckle.

A sigh causes me to look away from the young couple.

"Young love. Isn't it beautiful? Too bad it will have to end once she is chosen to be with someone else for the rest of their lives."

My mouth opens in shock.

"Zayn, what are you doing here?" I ask him.

Before he can answer, I begin to search the restaurant for Niall.

"Well, I was walking by when I saw you sitting her by yourself. I figured you wouldn't mind if I sat and talked to you for a little bit."

I snort.

"What, is my sister no longer entertaining you?"

Zayn sighs.

"I left your sister at the hotel. She is having a luncheon with some of the other important wives. I figured it would benefit her if she attended."

As he talks about Iris, a small part of my heart breaks off and falls into my stomach.

If he is having her attend luncheons that means he plans to replace me. I didn't think me asking for this break would result in him replacing me with my only sibling.

"I've been gone for three days and you're already training her to replace me, huh?" I questioned.

"It's not like that."

"Then what is it like?"

He sighs.

"Mother has stripped me of my kingly duties and powers until Iris is more presentable to the public." He mutters angrily.

"What do you mean by more presentable?" I ask, confused.

"She doesn't think that Iris is capable of making good impressions on people. I mean look at the situation we are. She's my temporary partner cause I couldn't stop sleeping with her. As of right now she is the whore of my people."

"Well, it won't be that bad." I utter.

"Iyla you don't understand. There were many reason I did not pick your sister. One of them being how my people would react. My council is thinking about removing me from power permanently. All because you couldn't suck it up and let me play mistress with your sister." He sneered.

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