Chapter 33

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Iyla's POV

It's been two days and I have barely seen Niall.

Every time that I do see him, he's always with Violet.

I'm not jealous or anything. I completely understand his reasoning for wanting to be around her, but does that mean that he has to ignore me in the process.

The other day, I tried to start a conversation with the two of them. I mean it's rare when someone randomly comes back to life.

Either way it was like I didn't even exist.

Violet had no problem throwing me dirty looks and Niall acted like I wasn't even there.

So I eventually got the hint that they didn't want me there and left.

Jack has been staying at Tyler's house, so I'm basically in the house all alone.

I would hang out with Maura, but she and the rest of her family, minus Niall, have been hauled up in the family office.

Apparently, there is some issue going on that can only be discussed in private.

Like I said, I'm left alone. All by myself.

But right now, being alone is all I need.

I still haven't made a decision yet.

With my freedom slowly coming to a close, I know I must make a decision and I must do it soon.

One Week Later

This past week has been complete and utter hell.

Violet is slowing starting to piss me off.

Within the past seven days she has managed to make my life a living hell, but last night was the worst.

The Night Before

Last night was the first time everyone sat down and had dinner together since Violet's return.

It started off incredibly awkward.

No one said anything. Maura sat there continuously sipping on her wine, while everyone else just sat there looking at each other.

After about twenty minutes of silence, Niall finally spoke.

He finally acknowledged me after almost a week and a half, but I wasn't having it.

I understand reconnecting with someone for two or three days, but a week and a half? Are you serious?

So, instead of answering him I just shook my head and continued to eat my meal.

It was obvious he was confused. 

Of course he was. Why would sweet ol' Iyla ever ignore him, or anyone for that matter?

Dinner presumed with small talk mainly between Niall and Violet. Everyone else silently sat there waiting for the first possible exit.

And then it started.

"So Iyla, Niall has told me a lot about you." Violet gushes.

"Has he?"

She nods.

"I'm quite interested in you actually. You seem to be in the same predicament I use to be in. Having to choose between Zayn and Niall. If you want, or need, any advice you can talk to me any time." She says.

I nod my head.

How dare she try and relate my situation to hers. This is completely different!

"Well, unlike you at least she will make a choice between the two instead of running away like some coward." Maura remarks.

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