Author's Note

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I don't know about anyone else, but I absolutely hate seeing these notes in the middle of stories. If I'm being completely honest, I hate seeing them at all.

But I figured I had some major explaining to do.

I've been gone since March, so that's about a good three months.

I could totally use the excuse of work and school, but that's a lie. After Spring Break school was practically a breeze and I didn't have a job. I still don't have one actually.

Truth is I've been living my life. I've been going to concerts nonstop. If I'm not planning to go to a concert I'm helping around my house.

It was never my intention to neglect my stories the way that I have. I have thought of them so much, but every time that I had to sit down and actually write it was like staring into space.

I haven't had a decent train of thought in a while. Of course I've actually tried to write something, but I just can't.

Although it may not seem like it, I love both of my stories. They are both so different and interesting. I know how I want them to end, but getting to the ending is the hard part for me.

Now this is the part when the author usually announces that they are going to stop the story right here and never post again or they say that they will take it down in a few days.

I've said it once before and I will say it again, that is not my intention at all. I made the choice to start these stories and they will be finished.

I don't care if I have to force myself to sit in front of my computer for hours at a time just to write a chapter, these stories will get done!

Overall, I just hope that I haven't lost too many readers by not updating as regularly as I should. I hope you can all forgive me. 

Once I'm finished with the story I might take this down. Just cause I don't like it/need it.

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