Chapter 18

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Iyla's POV

I silently sat in the limo staring out the window. It was quite obvious that there was a huge amount of tension between Zayn and I, but I refused to address it.

Then again, the tension could be because every time I open my mouth it has been to either make some smart ass comment or ask for something. There was no in between.

So far, I had rarely spoken to anyone during the past two week of me being back. Unlike everyone else I was ready for this 'vacation' just so that I can be away from all of them.

Three months of pure silence and beatings kind of does that to you. See I thought I actually missed all of these people, but when I came back to all of them scolding me for disobeying Zayn, I realized something. I would much rather be hanging in that God damn cell getting a daily beating from Greg. At least he was somewhat polite about it and his banter was amusing every once in a while.

Zayn clears his throat causing everyone, except me, to look at him.

"When we reach the hotel you are all to go to your designated rooms. You will have a few hours before tonight's dinner to do as you please." He sighs. "Iyla, I know you have refused to wear any of the dresses that I have picked out for you, so I have asked my mother if she could take you to a dress shop and-"

"I think I can pick a dress out on my own." I say.

"Yes, but you do not know the area that well." He says.

"Such thing as  GPS."

A collective group of sighs rings throughout the confined space.

"Iyla, please do not argue with me about this. I do not need you to be taken again. It was hard enough the first time."

I stiffen and my eyes widen.

"And which part was exactly hard for you? The part where you continued to screw my sister while I was being held captive or the part where you had someone else save me so you could get one last fuck before I came back?" I question.


No one speaks, or even breaths for that matter. They all just seem to be looking at Zayn.

"Zayn, how about the next time you bring up me being taken you make it relevant? I was the one being beaten and tortured while you were having fun and drinking wine, so I am going to pick this dress out by myself. But since you are so persistent on me going with someone, I will take Jake."

The door on my side opens and I quickly step out not bother to wait for any of them to exit the limo. Swinging the front door open, I head straight to the front desk.

The blonde lady immediately looks up as she hears my heels clicking against the marble floors.

"Mrs. Malik, it is nice to see you. Where is the family?" She kindly asks.

I shrug.

"Probably getting out of the car or something. Not that I really care, I was just trying to get my room key." She quickly nods her head and opens a drawer.

"Here is your's and Mr. Malik's room key." She says as she tries to hand it to me.

Shaking my head, I smile.

"Zayn and I will not be sharing a room. I know for certain he had to make last minute arrangements for that room, which is mine."

Her expression reads nothing, but shock. She blindly reaches for the new key and hands it to me.

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