Chapter 26

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Iyla's POV

I let the new information that Niall has given me sink in.

All of this time I thought that Niall and Zayn hated one another because of their species. When in all actuality it has been something completely different.

I mean for Christ's sake they both lost someone they truly loved. I can only imagine the way they must have felt. It doesn't help that no one ever found her body.

They never had any sort of closure.

I know I told Niall that history seems to be repeating itself, but maybe I'm wrong.

The difference between Violet and I is that I'm able to choose who I want. She didn't want to hurt either one of them, so instead she choose to be with someone else. Not knowing that picking that boy hurt them more than her picking either one of them.

Niall left my room about an hour ago and I have yet to fall asleep. The rain is keeping me up and the fact that my brain won't shut off isn't helping much.

Violet's story keeps running through my mind.

I don't know why her story fascinates me so much, but it does.

Maybe because it involves the same two guys, and the fact that they both have to go through something like this all over again disturbs me.

If it were up to me I would do exactly what Violet did, but of course that could result in the same fate as her.

I know what some people may say. There are always two sides to every story, so maybe if I talk to Zayn about Violet I can get where he was coming from and try to connect the dots when it comes to Niall's story.

Looking over my shoulder, the clock reads one in the morning. Taking a deep breath, I slip on some sandals and grab the umbrella that rests by the door.

Stepping out of my villa, I close the door behind me and head towards the hotel.

This can either be the best or worse mistake I've ever made. Hopefully, it's the latter.

As I rush into the hotel lobby the security guard watches as I shake out my umbrella and make my way towards the elevator.

"Do you need some help miss?" The old guy asks me.

I shake my head and press the button to call for the elevator.

Neither the security guard or I utter another word as the elevator reaches the lobby.

"If you're looking for Mr. Malik he should be on the top floor. Room 1825. He has turned it into an office for the duration of his stay." The guard says as I step into the elevator.

"Thank you." I say with a nod of my head.

The guard gives me a nod in before returning back to some security screens.

As the elevator doors are closing, I press number eighteen and silently wait.

When the elevator opens on the appropriate floor, I slowly walk off. It takes me a few seconds to figure out which way his office room number is, but when I turn my head to the left I see Frank standing in the hall.

Taking a deep breath, I turn to the left and make my way over to Frank.

Upon hearing my steps, Frank looks up to see who the intruder is.

"Hey Frank." I whisper.

"Iyla, I mean Mrs. Malik, what are you doing here?" He asks.

I sigh.

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