Chapter 30

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Iyla's POV

Month One

The first week in the house was kind of awkward.

Every time I was around Maura she was always talking about Niall and his accomplishments, or just him as a person.

It was honestly starting to get annoying.

Don't get me wrong. Maura is an extremely kind woman and it's obvious that she thinks highly of her son, but there is no need to try and push the kid on me.

I know I'm technically not Zayn's partner at the moment and yes there is the possibility that I can choose someone else, but I'd want to do it on my own.

On top of her consistently talking about Niall, Maura has been kind of rude to Jake.

After that horrible first night, Bob made it clear that Maura was not allowed to have more than half a glass of wine. But that definitely did not stopped her mouth. 

She still made her opinion known, especially at dinner. 

Jake had been quiet whenever we are at dinner, but he damn near exploded one night.

Once again, Maura was talking about how Zayn is an incompetent ruler and that someone with better morals should be ruling. That pissed off Jake.

You could tell Jake was pissed cause his face had turned red and he was breathing heavily.

Next thing I knew, Jake was telling Maura to shut up cause she doesn't know Zayn the way so many other people do.

Maura said: "Oh you mean the fact that he forced a girl to be with him and almost let her die. Or are you talking about how he accepts you and all of the other damned Angels. He probably accepted you out of pity. You left us for love and turns out that guy didn't even want you anymore. What an idiot you must be."

The room got really quiet after that. Before Maura could start speaking again Jake stormed out of the house and hasn't been back since.

Niall was pissed and told his mother that until she learned how to keep her rude comments to herself no one but his father would be eating dinner with her.

He rose from his seat and walked out. Not before looking at me and telling me to follow after him.

It's been two weeks since that horrific dinner and Jake still hasn't come back.

Niall and I went looking for him after the first week.

We figured if we gave him some time than he would come back on his own, but when he didn't I got worried.

For the past week, we have searched every place we could possibly think of. We even went into some of the big human cities, but he is nowhere to be found.

My first month of freedom is coming to an end and so far I haven't done anything.

Niall's too busy with his Angel stuff. Jake isn't around and even when he was he never wanted to be around Maura, so he stayed in his room.

I haven't made any friends besides some of the guards, but it's not like they can go anywhere.

It's like I'm back at Zayn's house all over again. The only difference is that I have more freedom here.

Since there isn't much for me to do around the house, I usually just take a walk around their property or something else that can waste time.

Staying in the house didn't sound like much fun and the weather looks beautiful today, so I decided to go for a walk.

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