Chapter 11

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Iyla's POV

I gulped as I looked into Zayn's eyes.

His eyes took on a dark shade of red as he spoke to me. I have no clue what it means, but I guess he is quite serious about what he says.

"That will not be necessary. Everyone knows that I am yours, so I doubt any man will try and win my affection."

I pull my hand from his grip and grab his face and pull him down, so he is a bit closer to my height.

"I am yours, Zayn. No one, and I mean no one, will take me from you. I have never been treated this way by anyone, except for my parents. There will be no reason to go to Hell to try and hide me, but I must admit the idea of going down there would is quite intriguing."

Zayn sighs and stands up correctly.

"Well maybe I can take you on a tour some time." I nod my head and smile.

I glance around us and notice that everyone is watching us. Once everyone realizes that I have caught them watching us having a moment they look away. I blush as everyone starts to resume their conversations.

"That was embarrassing." I say under my breath.

I hear Zayn chuckle as he wraps his an arm around my waist.

"Dinner is about to start, so we should find our seats." Zayn proclaims.

I say nothing as we walk towards our table. I was expecting our table to be small and intimate. Only our families sitting with us, but I was wrong.

Sitting at the table were a lot of unfamiliar faces. Besides my family and Zayn's family, I knew no one.

Everyone at our table stood up and gave us a round of applause with a few congratulations thrown into the mix.

Awkwardly smiling I sit in my chair and watch as everyone slowly takes their seat.

"So Zayn, what do you think about the situation that is happening in Germany and Russia? Do you not think that it is time to intervene?" Some council member asks.

And after that, all of the conversations between the men at the table were about world disasters and political issues. None of the women at the table spoke, and if they did, they whispered if they were sitting close enough to one another.

While the men talked about issues that were quite important I kept to myself. It just so happened that I accidentally sat in the wrong seat. If I had sat where Zayn is sitting I would be next to my mother.

"Honestly Zayn, I think you need to do something with those humans out there. I know that you like to go with what the council says is best, but sometimes you have to make decisions on your own. Those humans are out of control. If you do not show them who is boss the chaos is bound to get ten times worse." Zach, a wealthy business men, says.

"And I completely agree, but whatever my son does will have a serious consequence. I would rather not have the council coming after my son because a bunch of rowdy humans think they are better than we are. We are the superior race and we will figure out how to handle the situation without deadly force." Zayn's father speaks out.

"Not to mention your claims on being the superior race are quite offending Zachariah. Have you forgotten that Angels are just as superior as Demons? Or have you let the rational part of you brain be indulged in all of the free alcohol?" A deep Irish accented voice says.

I force myself not to smile as I peek a look at Niall right beside me. If he had not had voiced his opinion I would have never known that he was here.

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