Chapter 37

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Iyla's POV



I never realized how weird it is to think of this place as my home.

I was so sure when I left, that I was never coming back.

Look at me now. I'm back and I wasn't forced. I can on my own free will.

This whole situation is still weird.

A slight squeeze of my hand brings me out of my thoughts.

I look up at Zayn and see that he's smiling. He's so happy that I'm back.

I give him this sort of half smile and look at back the house.

It still looks the same. Like nothing has changed.

In movies isn't that suppose to signify something? 

I don't have time to think about that cause not even two seconds later I hear a loud shriek.

"Oh dear God." I hear Zayn mumble.

"Is that who I think it is?" I ask.

He just sighs and gives me a light push behind him.

And then I see it.

My brunette bombshell of a sister. Running out the front door of the house like she's some kind of mad woman.

Following Iris' arrival is my father and Zayn's mother.

"Leave! Leave right now. You're not wanted here. You never have been and you never will be!" Iris screeches at the top of her lungs.

My eyes widen and I pull on the back of Zayn's shirt.

"What did you do to her?" I ask.

"Nothing. I told her a couple of days ago that you decided to come back and that she was no longer needed. She hasn't talked to me since then." He explains.

I nod and watch as my father tries to drag her inside.

Stepping around Zayn, I make my way to my father whom is struggling to hold back an angry Iris.

Zayn grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He questions.

"I'm gonna go deal with my sister."

"Like hell you are."

"You know for a Demon you refer to Hell quite too often."

He gives me this dumbfounded look and shakes his head.

"You're not going to deal with your sister. Your dad has this under control."

I look over my shoulder and see Iris trying to tackle my father to the ground as if she's some kind of wrestler.

"Let me handle this. If we leave it up to my father he'll be on the ground within the next two minutes from an asthma attack."

"You're father has asthma?"

I nod.

Zayn gives me this reluctant look, but lets his hand fall off of my arm. 

"Be careful. She's crazy." He whispers.

"The Demon King afraid of a puny human. That's pretty funny." I remark.

"There is nothing puny nor human about her. She's like a raging animal whenever she's mad."

I shrug and make my way up the stairs to my sister.

"Iris, can you please stop trying to kill dad? You're being all kinds of unnecessary right now."

Her face turns red and she breaks free from my father's hold.

"Iris, watch out!" My father yells.

But it's too late. She runs into me and we go tumbling down the stairs.

"Get off of me!" I yell.

"Never. You need to leave. And if you won't then I'll fucking kill you with my bare hands!" She yells as she wraps her hands around my throat.

I thrash around under her until the grip on my neck loosens. As soon as her grip loosens, I throw her off of me and sit on top of her.

"He's never gonna love you! He's always loved me!" Iris yells.

"Shut up!" I yell.

"Make me you stupid bi-"

My hand came down on her cheek.

A collective gasp is heard from around us.

Iris looks up at me in shock as her hand comes up and touches her face.

"You hit me." She whispers.

"Yes I did, and I'll do it again if you don't get your shit together. God, you've treated me horribly all of our lives and I'm not gonna put up with it anymore! It's not my fault that no one wants you. Maybe if you didn't act like such a spoiled brat that complains all of the time then maybe you could get a man. Now you will respect me. You may be older, but I am the one that stands beside Zayn. Not you, so get over it!" I barked.

"Are we understood, my dear sister?" I ask, menacingly.

She quickly nod her head and I give her a smile.

"Good." I tell her as I rise up off of her.

"Now that we have that settled, I'm gonna go see mother."

No one says anything as I make my way up the stairs and into the house.

As I walk through the doors, I look over my shoulder and see that Iris is still laying on the ground. A few people are snickering, while Zayn and my father look beyond confused at what just happened.

I massage my hand as I make my way down to my mother's room. I didn't think I hit her that hard, then again I didn't think I was gonna hit her at all. It just kind of happened.

Either way she had it coming. She's bulldozed over me all my life, she should have known that at some point I would fight back.

If I let her bulldoze over me now everyone would never take me seriously. I would be a complete and utter joke.

I can't stand beside Zayn and be looked at like some kind of fool.

That feels so wrong, to say such a thing. Not to long ago I was so sure that I would never set foot in this place again, yet here I am.

Still, whether I figured I was or wasn't going to be here again doesn't matter. What matters is me being the best ruler that I can possibly be.

Ruler? Or Queen?

I don't know how the titles work around here.

Forcing myself out of my thoughts, I shake my head and continue the walk to my mother's room.

What normally would have been a never ending walk, was rather quick. Before I knew it, I ended up standing in front of my mother's bedroom door.

I could hear hushed voices coming from the other side of the door. Not knowing what to do, I just stand there. Taking a deep breath, I reach out and slowly push open the door.


This is beyond horrible, but it's a start

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