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"what the fuck are you doing here, get the hell out" i hear dan yell from beside me. i shoot my eyes open straight away and see someone i really wasn't expecting to see stood at the bedroom door.


i look down at my naked body and quickly cover myself with my t shirt as she stares at me in disgust. i climb out of his bed and find my underwear putting them on awkwardly.  "i left for 2 days and your fucking him now" she says, i awkwardly keep my distance from her not really knowing what to say.

"yeah she is and she has been for a long time billie but every time i try to make her my girlfriend, you get in the fucking way" dan shouts, getting up covering his lower half with a towel. the blonde in front of me doesnt once take her eyes off me. "are you gonna come with me or are you gonna stay with your fuck buddy" she questions, staying relatively calm. i look at dan and then back to her, sighing.

i cant say no to her. "you" i say. she nods and takes hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers. she leads me out of the door making sure i have everything i need. i can hear dan shouting after me but i can't bring myself to look.

"are you mad at me" i ask billie once we are in her car.

"yeah, i don't understand why you would do that" she says softly, one good thing about her is that no matter how mad she is at me she won't shout. "i didn't wanna feel alone anymore" i admit to her, making her frown her eyebrows and shake her head.

"your not alone, i'm here" bil says, her hand on my thigh as we drive down the road.

"your only here when you wanna be, most of the time your with someone else" i tell her, she stays silent and runs her hand through her hair.

she pulls up at her house and opens the gate before driving in, parking her car in her garage. i get out and walk around to her side of the car watching as she stands replying to a message on her phone.

"i'm sorry" i say to her, putting my arms around her waist gripping hold of her hoodie, the side of my head in her chest. she puts her phone in her pocket and holds onto me tightly, kissing the side of my head multiple times.

"come on let's go inside" she says, unlocking the door and leading me in. i kick my shoes off and put them straight next to hers.

"what time is it?" i ask, not really having time to even think since i woke up.

"8am" she says to me, still on her phone leaning on the kitchen counter. i sigh and collapse down onto her sofa, getting myself comfy. "so are you gonna pay me any attention or are you just gonna continue to text one of your hookups?" i question.

she looks up at me and furrows her eyebrows, shoving her phone down on the coffee table in front of me and pulling me off the sofa.

"come on let's go have a little nap and i'll make food after" she says, taking me upstairs to her room which i'm massively familiar with. i think half of my clothes are still here to be honest.

whilst billie lies down in her bed, i steal a hoodie out of her closet and change into it. she opens her arms and i climb into them.

i know what your probably thinking, why have you done this again. why have i fallen into her little trap again. and honestly i wouldn't have an answer for it. i've blown off my friends, i left dan.

"please don't sleep with him again" she says, i lift my head out of her chest and look at her. billies blue eyes meeting mine. i lick my lips and sigh, "i cant promise that" i tell her.

"do you like him?" she questions, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. i nod slowly.

"do you love him" she asks. i pause, not knowing what to say or what to think. do i?

"i dont know" i say in almost a whisper. she nods and turns onto her back staring at the ceiling.

"i have to let you go but i can't, i'm supposed to be seeing this guy, he keeps asking me on dates and everything but i just decline because i wanna see you and be around you" she explains to me, that's probably who she's been texting all day.

"and yes to answer your questions, yeah i do sleep with other people all the time but that doesn't mean i like them, i just do it to distract myself" she adds.

i take a deep breath and sit up running my hand through my hair.

"it's probably best if i go" i say. she instantly grabs hold of me and shakes her head.

"no please, at least let me spend today with you" she asks. i turn to look at her seeing disappointment all over her face. i know she doesn't want to let go of all of this but deep down she knows it's right.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now