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liked by tatemcrae, lovingbilz, finneas and 7,687,77 others

billieeilish: nobody saw me in your arms

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unknown: i'm not sentimental but there's something bout the way you look tonight!!!!

finneas: 🔥


"i don't relate to you no, cause id never treat me this shitty, you make me hate this city. and i don't talk shit about you on the internet, never told anyone anything bad, cause that's shits embarrassing you we're my everything and all that you did was make me fucking sad" billie and i sing loudly around the kitchen.

the music blasting out the speaker, echoing around the room. we dance around making a complete fool of ourselves but who the fuck cares. both of us just wearing nothing but hoodies.

she pushes me against the counter gently and kisses me with passion. "i love you" i say, burying my face into her neck.

"i love you too baby" she says.

"why can't we just do this all the time" i say, lifting my head up and putting my hands on the back of her neck.

"because that's not what i want, i should be able to take you on dates, show you off, kiss you in public but i can't" she explains. i nod and kiss her again not wanting to push her on the subject any longer.

she picks me up and puts me on the counter, her hands placed on my bare thighs as she kisses me. i pull away hearing a ringing from beside me.

"oh fuck off there's someone at the fucking gate!" billie yells getting frustrated.

she moves away from me and accepts the ringing once she realises its her parents coming over to visit her. i jump off the counter and walk into the living room sitting down on the couch.

"we came to say hi and bring shark back" her mom says as they both enter the house.

"oh hi tate" she adds giving me a smile and a little wave. i greet them both and decide to go on my phone whilst they talk to billie about some stuff. she comes and sits down next to me, using her left hand to play with my hair whilst she gazes at me. "you've decorated more" her parents say as they look around.

"not much just a bit" billie says. i meet her eyes and smile as soon as i see her face. i put my phone down, looking at her as she sticks her tongue out jokingly at me. she pouts her lips and i peck them slowly making her smile. i stand up and walk into the other room where her piano and all her music stuff is, i may as well do some practicing while she's with her parents.

i have a show tomorrow in la which i'm pretty excited about, but i have no idea what to put in the set list or anything at the moment.

i play a few piano chords and practice a slower version of my song 'bad ones'.

"you say that you've been missing me, every single time we're not together and i know that i've been gone from everything but i needed that. say you wish that you were kissing me it comes out of nowhere whenever but i'm kinda sick and tired, your so selfish say that i'm not coming to you" i sing to myself, getting my vocals warmed up.

"that sounds amazing tate" maggie says making me stop. i turn around from the piano seeing billie and her mom stood there, both of them leaning against the door frame. billie has a massive smile on her face as she looks at me.

her mom leaves and walks to the kitchen after i thank her.

"i better go soon bil, my friends are supposed to be coming around tonight" i tell her and she shakes her head and pulls me into her arms.

"can i come" she asks and i furrow my eyebrows at her.

"you wanna sit at my apartment with my friends, dan and his friends?" i question with confusion.
she nods. "i mean not really but i wanna stay with you tonight" she admits.

"ok you can come then" i say and she smiles, kissing me and then standing up skipping to the kitchen to go speak to maggie.

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