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it's been a couple of days since i last saw or heard from billie, her brother and claudia have payed a visit but nothing from her. i've been a mess, not eating properly, not leaving my room. nothing. but i've finally gotten the courage to go out shopping with brad who's been trying to cheer me up so much.

"we're gonna have fun" he says, driving into the car park and finding a space at the mall. "i wish i felt like a fun person but i dont" i say.

"come on, it's your favourite thing, clothes and food" he says, getting out the car and opening my passenger door for me. i climb out and look around, it doesn't seem too busy today actually. brad holds onto my hand and pecks my lips before dragging me inside.

he runs over to some stall and buys some doughnuts knowing that they are my favourite. i smile at him as he looks at me goofily. he brings the food over and hands me one which i happily eat, i can't say no to them.

"ok if i'm mistaken, this is one of your favourite shops" he says taking me in urban outfitters, he knows me well. i look around the shelves grabbing a few sweatshirts that i like and a few chains to add to my huge collection. "i'll go and pay" i tell brad who's currently eyeing up the photo booth like a child.

i take the clothes over to the counter, handing them to a guy who scans them all through for me. "your tate mcrae right" he questions and i nod with a smile on my face. "my little sister is a big fan, she said she saw you outside your show the other night and you were upset or something" he explains bagging up all the clothes.

"tell her i say hi and thank you for cheering me up" i say to him and he nods, smilingly widely. i take my things and wave goodbye to him going back over to brad. " come on we have to go in here" he says opening the photobooth curtain. i roll my eyes and go in, sitting down on the little bench.

brad shoves some money in and starts the timer for the first photo, i pout and he just does a weird face. the next 2 we decide to just be really random, not having this planned out one bit. but the last one he puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me softly, waiting for the flash to go.

once the photos taken i pull away and mess up his hair before climbing over him to get out and look at the pictures which are actually really cute.


we have been at the mall for about 2 hours and honestly i'm having the best time right now. it feels so good to get out, and to be honest i do love brad, it's just been hard to admit to myself because i've been so hung up on billie this whole time.

we stroll through the mall hand in hand, running out of shops to go in at this point. i drag brad over to one of the windows looking in at all the rings and necklaces. he looks at me and laughs, which probably means he has a stupid idea or something.

"wanna get married" he says, pointing at the engagement rings. "you know what, why not i have nothing to lose" i say with a laugh.

"i mean we already live with each other, so why not" he says, dragging me inside the shop and picking out a ring. i watch him as he takes it over to the checkout and pays for it. wait a minute. that ring was really expensive, i didn't think he was being serious.


we arrive back at home quickly, i kick my shoes off and turn around seeing brad down on one knee looking at me lovingly. "tate mcrae, it's been a huge rollercoaster between us but here we are, we moved to la together, got an apartment. i love you so much and i know you didn't think i was being serious at the mall but i honestly want to spend the rest of my life with you. we're young and i know that but that doesn't change how i feel. so, will you marry me" he says opening up the box showing me the ring.

i feel my heart beat getting faster and faster and i look down at him. "this is probably the stupidest thing i've ever done, but yes i will" i say. he stands up and slides the ring on my finger before hugging me tightly.

"tate rosewood, i like it" he says, kissing me softly.

"i'm keeping mcrae in there somewhere" i say and he shrugs his shoulders.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now