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it's the middle of the night, probably like 3am. we have been on the bus for a long time and i can barely sleep. i climb out of my bunk and make my way to the back, closing the door behind me. i sit down on the sofa and lean my head back sighing.

i grab my phone from the side of me after hearing it vibrate.

unknown number: hey it's bil

i smile and quickly reply.

tate: hey, what you doing up at this time?

billie: i could ask you the same question.

tate: i can't sleep

billie: me neither.

tate: it sucks because i'm tired but it's just not happening.

billie: the buses have just parked up for a couple hours, come get on ours we're playing monopoly because none of us can sleep.

i look around spotting my shoes in the corner, i grab them and slip them on my feet.

tate: ok i'm coming, come to the door.

i get up and sneak off our bus as quietly as possible, making my way through the pitch black truck stop to theirs. it's kinda creepy around here alone. i notice billie standing there at the door waiting for me, her arms folded into her body because it's cold. "come on you" she says leading me into her bus.

"put this on its freezing" she says, throwing a hoodie at my head. i nod and put it on quickly, then sitting between her and claudia who rests her head on my shoulder. "we have nearly finished this game and then we can start another one" billies says, rolling the dice.

i think it's just between her and finneas now. "yep i'm gonna go to bed i'm exhausted" claudia says, standing up and heading to the bunks. i yawn and lean my head back on the back of the sofa, it's weird how much more comfortable i feel now i'm with all of them.

"fuck i'm bankrupt you won" finneas says, throwing the rest of his money in the middle and stretching his arms out. " told you i'd win" billie says making him roll his eyes. he stands up and groans, grabbing his bottle of water off the table.

"i'm going to go and join claudia, we will have another game tomorrow night" he tells us, giving us a little wave and walking away to join his girlfriend. i stretch my legs out in front of me and sigh, running one of my hands through my hair. billie looks at me and licks her lips, then leaning forward to pack up the monopoly board.

"how come you couldn't sleep" she asks me, her voice all soft and relaxing. she leans back and turns her body in my direction. "i don't know, just couldn't get my mind to turn off" i admit, meeting her blue eyes momentarily and then looking back down at the floor.

"stay with me" she says, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.

shaking my head i let out a sigh, "that's probably not a good idea" i tell her and she shrugs her shoulders. "remember when there was that time that you were having really bad insomnia and the only person who could get you to sleep was me" billie says with a small laugh.

"that was a nightmare" i admit, laughing myself.

"come on stay with me, i know your worried about dan but it's not like your cheating, we're just sleeping" she explains. i stay silent, staring at the floor in deep thought. she stands up in front of me and puts one hand out. i look up, seeing a small smile on her face, tiredness in her eyes.

i finally give in and take hold of her soft hand, she leads me to her bunk and let's me get in first before she climbs in beside me. "come here" she says opening her arms. i put my head in her chest and drape my arm across her stomach, relaxing into her as i breathe in her vanilla scent.

"billie" i say and she hums.
"what happened to your boyfriend?" i question. her fingers run through my hair comfortingly, brad never does this, he just falls asleep in the space of a minute.

"i ended it, i wasn't being fair on him, didn't want to stay in something i wasn't completely committed to" she admits to me. i stay quiet and close my eyes, my tiredness taking over my whole body. billie kisses the top of my head and holds me as close as she can get.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now