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"everyone up guys!" i hear making my eyes shoot open. i look around at the small bunk i'm in, my head using billies chest for a pillow. brads going to be so mad at me.

i sit up being careful not to bang my head on the roof. "are we here" billie questions. i look at her seeing her furrowing her eyebrows and stretching her arms out.

the bunk curtain opens and maggie appears next to us with a smile. "we've arrived" she says and then goes off to finneas' bunk.

i grab my phone out of the little pocket on the wall and check my notifications.

dan: where are you
dan: hello?
dan: are you with billie
dan: tate
dan: fine whatever i guess i'll see you tomorrow, i love you

"in trouble with your bf" billie says with a grin on her face because she knows she got what she wanted because i stayed with her. "i'm so stupid" i say and run my hand through my hair.

"go then" she says. i turn on my side and look at her, seeing the disappointment on her face one again.

"i'm sorry" i say sighing. she meets my eyes and then takes hold of my left hand pulling it up so we can both see my ring. she shakes her head slowly.

"why are you still wearing this" she asks. i stay silent, thinking about everything. she stares at me, playing with my ring finger. "i know you, and i know you don't want that, i don't even think you love him, i think your just forcing yourself too" she adds.

our curtain gets opened once again and dan is stood there looking at us in anger.

"morning" billie says sarcastically, turning onto her side facing my direction, her back to him.

"what are you doing in here?" he questions me, giving billie a death stare and then looking at me, i cant even face looking at him right now because all i can feel is billies icy blue eyes staring right at me whilst she's biting her lip.

"i know why, she doesn't wanna marry you" the blonde girl in front of me says.

dan shakes his head, "i'm not having this conversation again".

i sit up and tap billies leg for her to climb out of the bunk because she's in the way. she gets out and i follow her. "come on i need to talk to you" i say to dan, grabbing his hand and talking him off this bus into ours.

he looks at me with confusion as soon as i sit down, "here me out ok" i say and he nods.

"i'm going have to give you this back for now, and i'm not saying i won't marry you in the future when we're older or whatever but right now i'm young, i want to focus on my music and everything. and i know we're in a relationship and stuff but we need to get used to it first, it's new" i explaining, placing the engagement in the middle of his palm.

"i mean, i'm not too mad. i suppose your not breaking up with me so. i can live with that, i'll hold onto this until it's the right time" he tells me and i'll nod.

he pulls me into a kiss, holding me too strongly where it almost actually hurts. i excuse myself and walk off to find some clothes for now and for the show later.

// a couple hours later

the day has literally been filled up by sound checks and naps to be honest. i just finished my check and billies in hers at the moment so i'm using this time to get ready for the show later.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now