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billieeilish: first night of tour was fun6m likes 25,000 comments

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billieeilish: first night of tour was fun

"i wanna dye my hair back brown" i say, looking at photos of my dark hair as we all sit around billies bus on our way to texas. "i'll do it" claudia says, shoving the rest of her oreo in her mouth.

"that's a little scary" i say and dan laughs probably agreeing with me. "come on i won't mess it up, we're stopping soon so we can go and buy some dye from somewhere" she tells me.

"do it" billie says with a smile on her face, i groan in defeat. "fine" i say.
"blonde is such a pain to deal with that's why i dyed mine dark" billie adds.

a little while later and i'm stood in a random store staring at multiple brown hair dyes not knowing which one to get. finneas picks up a few and puts them next to my head while we all decide which will look best. "that one's good" dan says, as they hold up a darker brown one.

"alright cool, i'll get that" i say, taking it and paying at the cashier. i hand the guy my money and let him keep the change, before we all walk back over to the bus.

claudia sits me down on a chair and puts a plastic sheet around me so i don't get it on my clothes. billie sits down opposite me and gives me a cute little smile as i widen my eyes at her. "i'm nervous" i say with a laugh.

"have you ever dyed hair before?" billie asks her and i can hear claudia chuckling behind me while she separates my hair. "no" she says in between giggles. dan leans over me and kisses me before excusing himself to go and call his friends.

"can i help?" billie says, getting up and standing next to me, rubbing my shoulder. "sure, hold this hair while i put dye on it" she says, giving billie some little gloves to put on. i feel the first lot of hair dye being painted onto my scalp as i look at finneas with fright.

"i got you" billie says, leaning down and kissing my cheek. i smile, whilst they continue using my head as a canvas, both of them laughing to each other.

a while later i go into the bathroom and jump in the shower, making sure it's all out. "need help" i hear billie say from the other side of the door. "i think i got it bil" i tell her with a little laugh.

i finish showering off and get out, drying myself and putting some green leggings and a little matching top on. i look in the mirror, pretty surprised that my hair looks brown and they've not turned me orange or something.

i unlock the bathroom door and see billie stood in the little hallway. "woah it looks cute" she says, coming closer to me and taking small pieces of my hair in her hands. "you still have it on your forehead" she says, grabbing a towel and rubbing it off gently.

billie puts her hand around my waist and leads me back into the front of the bus, showing me off to claudia. "wait it actually looks good, let me dry it off" she says, patting the chair for me to sit down again.

she grabs the hairdryer and gently combs through my hair, nearly pulling it out of my scalp every time she finds a knot. billie comes over and sits down on my lap, getting comfy as i put my arms around her, resting my hands on her legs.

"wow babe you look beautiful" dan says, walking in the room, giving me and billie a little annoyed look. i swear he has some kind of radar that every time billie comes near me he instantly knows and shows up.

"tate i love it, go look in the mirror" claudia says. i pat billies leg, making her get up. she turns around and looks at me, a big smile on her face. she sorts my hair out at the front and steps out the way for me to go and look.

"wait what the fuck you did an amazing job" i say, leaning on the counter in the bathroom to look at the mirror.

tatemcrae: @claudiasulewski is my new hairdresser200k likes2k comments

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tatemcrae: @claudiasulewski is my new hairdresser

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