twenty four

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liked by finneas, tatemcrae and 4,675,675
billieeilish: thank u miami
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unknown: ❤️❤️

i sit in my dressing room and let out a big sigh as i finish getting the rest of my makeup off, and brush through my wet hair. the show cheered me up a bit tonight considering i was in the worst mood ever. dan has tried calling me over and over again but i just haven't answered. i've also not seen billie since.

"hey tate, we're all going back to the buses" maggie says, coming into my dressing room. i stand up and put my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants, and then grab my bags. zach and carter get the rest of their things and we head outside to the buses, seeing a crowd of fans waiting there with security.

"tate!" some girls shout, i give my bag to carter and run over to them. "hi guys! did you enjoy the show" i say, hugging each and every one of them that i can reach.

"it was so good!" one blonde girl says.

"group photo?" i say them and they all shout yeah. i give my phone to security and stand in front of the barrier, leaning down a bit so everyone can get in behind me. i look to the right seeing billie hugging a couple of people before jumping onto the bus.

"tate, let's go. everyone is on this bus now" my security guy says, motioning for me to hurry up.
"i have to go, but i love you all, i'll post this photo to twitter so you can all find it" i tell them, hugging a few more people and heading onto the bus behind finneas.

"how come we only have one bus now?" i question maggie who is stood in the kitchen area.
"the sound guys and managers and everyone have taken the bus that your on, so now your on our bus" she explains.

i nod, excusing myself and walking down the corridor finding an empty bunk for myself. after i put all my stuff down i walk to the back, sitting with claudia and finneas who are discussing what food to eat.

"T, why is billie in a mood?, she's in her bunk and won't talk to anyone" finneas asks me as claudia lies her head on my lap.

"so basically dan randomly came to me before when i was watching your soundcheck and was like oh i'm sorry for how i reacted, and then he kissed me. i didn't even kiss him back but it was right in front of billie and she hasn't spoke to me since" i explain to them both, letting out a loud sigh and putting my head back.

"i heard that she punched him or something" claudia says, messing with the rings on my fingers. i nod.

"i would go and talk to her if i were you" finneas tells me, and he's right i just don't know what to say. i take a deep breath and tell claudia to get up and second so i can stand up.

i walk past all the bunks and slowly open the curtains on billies seeing her lay there, in her nike shirt and her wet hair, messing about on her phone. she looks at me and i give her a small smile.

"hi" i say.
"hey" she says, putting her phone down and looking out of the window beside her.

"why are you mad at me?" i ask, taking hold of her hand and playing with her fingers gently. "i didn't kiss him back, i didn't even know he was going to do it, it came out of nowhere".

"i'm not mad at that" she says, meeting my eyes, running her spare hand through her hair. "i'm mad at the fact that i'm still fighting to get you back, and that fucking dick thinks your still his" she says, getting frustrated.

i can't help but smile seeing how annoyed she got over this. "what are you smiling at" she says, trying to fight off a smile herself.

"is that seriously what your mad at?" i question and she nods. "did you not hear what i said earlier?" i ask.

"i dont know, what did you say" she shrugs.

"billie, i love you. i don't want him or anybody else, i never did. i moved to LA for you, i'm on this tour because i wanted to be around you. i don't care about the fact that you fucked up in the past, it is what it is. i have also fucked up many times. the only person i have ever wanted is you, and you know that" i explain to her.

a big smile grows on her face, and she taps the bed beside her wanting to me to lie with her. i crawl into the bed and squeeze up next to her, trying my best not to fall out because there's not much room in here. i rest my head onto her shoulder and look up at her, she bites her lip and smiles again.

"i love you so much" she says, running her hand through my hair, moving it out of my face.

"i love you too" i say quietly. she leans in and kisses me and then rests her forehead on mine.

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