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you'd think billie would change wouldn't you, after i constantly put my relationship on the line, sneaking out to sleep in her bed. but now look at her, it's the next day, i woke up in her bed and she wasn't there. and then as soon as i see her she's glued to her phone, smiling and flirting away to some guy in the kitchen. yet she tells me she 'wants me'.

but once again somehow i'm stupid enough just to fall into her trap. i should've known really, it's probably my fault but being on tour with her is hard.

i hear the typical iphone facetime sound coming from billies phone in the kitchen as she jumps onto the counter with a smile on her face. she answers the call as i watch discreetly from the distance. "hey sexy" a males voice says, billie mumbling a hi back to him.

the dude is in bold
billie is in italics

"why don't we get to know each other better?"

"i'm sure you know a lot about me already"

"that's true, but i don't know everything"

"alright go for it, ask me anything"

"favourite colour?"

billie smiles. "at the moment probably black or something".

"i like red, how many relationships have you been in?"

i watch as she looks around the room thinking a little bit. "proper relationships, probably 2 but i've had little flings"

"i've only had one because i'm a little bit of a one night stand guy, but we can change that" he says, i can almost picture his smirk even though i have no idea what he looks like.

dan enters the room and sits next to me, but i quickly silence him so i can continue listening.
"have you been in love with someone?".

"oh fuck yeah" she says, taking her tattooed hand and running it through her hair. "how'd it feel?"

"it sucks, just constantly wanting someone all the time even though you can't have them, but at the same time being too in love to let it go. yeah it sucks dude" she explains, i furrow my eyebrows and roll my eyes.

"you sound like your still in love" he laughs, billie shrugs her shoulders and moves on with the conversation. yeah i've heard enough of that for one day.

i turn to dan and give him a little smile, "let's go see if claudia needs any help making lunch for everyone" i say to him and he nods, we hold onto each others hands as i walk past billie avoiding eye contact with her. "need any help guys" brad says politely.

"try this" finneas says to me, getting a little bit of whatever cake he has made on a fork and bringing it towards my mouth. i take a bite and nod my head in approval, "that's amazing" i say, making him smile.

"we're preparing some food for later so we can all sit around the fire pit outside and chill" claudia tells me, putting a few things in the fridge. "can you get me a bowl from the cupboard behind billies head?" she asks, i wanna say no but i also want to help so it's whatever.

i walk over, billie still being sat on face-time to whatever random dude she's found now. "can you move over so i can get a bowl out?" i say. she looks up from her phone, meeting my eyes.
"of course you can" she says, scooting over a little bit. "who's that" the dude says. i reach up beside her, grabbing a couple of bowls just incase claudia needs more.

"billie if your just going to sit on your phone and get in the way then go to your room and do it" maggie says, coming in and grabbing the bowls off me with a smile. she gives a sarcastic grin to the camera, "oops i'm getting in trouble i better go" she says, ending the call.
i turn my back to her and walk over to the window, looking outside to the pool where a few people are sat chilling.

but to my surprise billie follows me and stands behind with her arms around my waist, her chin on my shoulder. "yes?" i ask, seeing what she wants. "i'm bored" she says to me, her warm breath blowing on my cheek.

"go and face-time your boyfriend then" i say coldly, she giggles a little and let's go of my waist but grabs my hand instead, pulling me along with her to her room. she locks the door and gives me one of her beautiful smiles, making me force my eyes away from her. "i love it when you get jealous" she says, resting her hands behind my neck and coming a little bit too close to me.

"you can't say anything about me being jealous, you should see your face all the time" i say to her, trying to move back but she just pulls me back in again.

she hums, "maybe that's cause i love you" she says. i roll my eyes. "i thought it sucked to be in love with me?" i say, referring to what i heard on the phone earlier. she grins, "oh so you were listening to my conversation before" she says.

"so who's the new guy" i ask, looking into her eyes intently.

"that doesn't really matter, come and kiss me and i can make that guy disappear, in fact we can make brad disappear too" she says, looking down at my lips, a smile still on her face. don't give into her tate, don't do it.

"baby we need to get ready for the barbecue, fire pit thing" brad shouts from outside, knocking on her door. billie smirks, "saved by the boyfriend" she says. she lets go of me and walks over to her suitcase, pulling out a couple of things.

"hey do you think i should wear a bandana tonight?" she asks just as i turn to open the door and leave the room. i turn around and look at her, seeing once again a huge smirk on her face. for some reason i think that billie wearing a bandana is so hot and she knows that i love it, which is pretty much why she's messing with me.

"your fine how you are" i say, turning away and leaving before she does or says anything else to mess with me, because it's very much working right now.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now