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of all the times i could be put on tour with billie of course it happened now. when we can both barely stand to look at each other without nearly breaking. but i suppose like my manager said, it's a good opportunity, he doesn't even realise that i know her.

the 2 weeks have flew by quickly. first stop new orleans.

me, dan and lucy walk outside dragging our bags along with us and seeing the tour bus waiting outside for us. "good morning tate" the driver says, putting all of our things in and letting us onto the bus. i sit down in the back room sofa area, pulling out my phone to see texts from claudia.

claudia: our bus has just left billies house so we will be pulling up at yours pretty soon.

tate: see you soon,

i scroll through my photos and decide to post something on instagram from earlier.

i scroll through my photos and decide to post something on instagram from earlier

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liked by finneas, oliviarodrigo, lucyxx and 178,853 others

tatemcrae: tour time bby❤️ @finneas @billieeilish

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finneas: we're gonna have the best time

i put my phone down and head outside as the driver lets us know there bus is here finally, i stand watching their door open and claudia being the first to jump up and run over giving me a hug. "i'm actually really excited for this" she tells me squeezing me a little tighter before letting go. finneas comes out and high fives us all.

the photographer joins us taking photos of us 3 outside of the tour bus. i laugh seeing finneas' weird poses, his girlfriend looking at him in embarrassment. "he's had too many coffee this morning" she says to me as he acts innocent.

dan stands next to me saying hi to them both politely. i turn my head to my left, spotting the familiar girl getting out of the bus, her eyes meet mine and she freezes for a little while before coming over. she sighs and comes to me, pulling me into a hug, her arms draping around me tightly.

"for the sake of the tour let's just forget everything thats happened for now" she says into my ear, i look over her shoulder seeing dan looking at me with his eyebrows frowned. "ok" i say to her.

"billie, tate let's get some photos of you both" the photographer says. we pull out of our hug and stand side by side, billies puts her arm around my waist pulling me closer. both of us smile for the photo and wait to him to give us a thumbs up to tell us he is finished.

"where's your parents" i ask billie.
"there on the other bus with the sound people and stuff, they've left already to get there earlier" she explains and i nod.

"i cant believe we have finally got you two on tour together after all this time" finneas says, standing in the middle and putting his arms around us both. i look at billie who is already looking straight back at me, a smile on her face.

"alright come on guys we need to get going" one of the drivers says, everyone begins piling back onto the buses. "i'll text you girl" claudia shouts over to me before disappearing. i smile at billie who's still stood in front of me and hasn't moved, running my hand through my hair i turn around and start heading back to the bus with brad.

"tate" billie shouts stopping me just as i'm about to walk up the stairs, dan looks at me and shakes his head. i turn my attention to the girl who walks over and stands behind me. "can i have your number again" she asks as i turn around. i nod noticing the smug look on her face, she hands me her phone and i create a new contact for myself and give it her back.

"bye" i say, smiling at her nervously. "bye" she repeats, watching as i make my way into my bus. i can't help but have a smile on my face because of the way she still acts around me after all this time and after everything that's happened. we're both just so nervous and shy still.

dan sits down next to me and puts this arm around my shoulder, pecking my cheek slowly. "i'm excited to be stuck on this little bus all the time spending time with you" he says to me, nuzzling his nose into my neck. "you know i'm probably just going to be sleeping the entire time right" i say to him and he shrugs his shoulders.

"guess i'll be sleeping with you then" he says smirking. new orleans is actually a really long drive from here which i'm really not looking forward too but whatever.

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