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my family have kinda took the whole engagement thing really well, i called them earlier and my mom started crying because she was so happy. i thought they would kill me because i'm only 20 but i suppose it could be worse, people get married at like 18 these days and it's not like i haven't known brad for 6 years of my life.

"babe do you want some pasta" brad asks as he chefs away in the kitchen. "yes please" i say, i've just finished a dance session and i'm so tired right now. i hear the doorbell go so i shoot up immediately and answer it, seeing lucy, brooke and olivia rodrigo stood there.

"let me see the ring girl" liv says, taking hold of my hand and smiling at the silver thing on my finger.
"congrats bradders you've got this girl for life" lucy adds. they all come in and sit down on the couch, scrolling through the tv channels.

"i always shipped you two" brooke says to me with a smile. "tates finally leaving the nest" she adds pretending to be sad.

i sit down behind my piano i have in the living room, getting a good look of everybody. "i mean you all know your all going to be my bridesmaids" i tell them and they nod and laugh. "obviously" liv says. brad comes in, putting a few bowls of pasta down on the coffee table for anyone that wants them.

"i love you" he says into my ear before going off back into the kitchen, i smile to myself and pull my phone out seeing a text from claudia and finneas in our little group chat.

claudia: how are you girl

tate: i'm great but i have a little surprise for you both

finneas: i love a good surprise.


claudia: WAIT YOUR ENGAGED, congrats girl

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claudia: WAIT YOUR ENGAGED, congrats girl

tate: brad proposed last night

finneas: i'm really happy for you

claudia: same i better be invited to the wedding, or at least be maid of honour

finneas: not to be annoying or lower the mood, but does billie know.

oh fuck

tate: nope

finneas: your probably gonna have to tell her

tate: i don't have her number anymore

claudia: i wouldn't tell her over text, it's probably best in person.

i sigh and put my phone down, i completely forgot about her. my friends look at me concerned, "you good girl" liv asks. i shake my head, "i'm gonna have to go and see billie and tell her the news" i say, they all shake there heads no.

"babe you don't need to tell her anything" brad says, coming over and rubbing my shoulder. "you don't owe her anything". i shake my head and sigh, "i need to, it'll make me feel better" i say, looking him dead in the eye.

"well if your gonna do it you may as well get it over and done with, let's go i'll come with you" olivia says, i nod nervously and sigh. i have to do this.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now