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we have arrived in dallas texas after what felt like years of being stuck in traffic. brad and i have just been walking around the city and going in random stores. "wait i have to get everyone one of these" i say, picking up a pink cowboy hat and taking a picture sending it to the group chat.

tate: anyone want one.

claudia: you better get me and finneas one.

bil: id love one, and you better get back to the venue already i miss you

tate: yeah i'll be back in a sec, we're literally round the corner.

i pick up some hats and pay for them all, grabbing the bag and walking out the store. dan running over to keep up with me. "what are we doing now" he asks, taking hold of my hand. "we're going back to the venue" i say and he sighs disappointedly.

"tate!" i hear from behind me, i stop and turn around seeing two young girls and their parents coming up to me, both of them wearing my merch. "hey guys how are you" i say, giving them both big hugs.

"we're amazing" they both say in unison. "they have been talking about meeting you for the past 4 days" the dad says.

"are you coming to the show?" i ask and they shake their heads, looking upset. "it sold out too quickly" one of the girls says. i frown my eyebrows and open my purse, searching through it, pulling out some spare tickets i have which were supposed to be for my family and friends but mine aren't coming to the texas shows.

"here, i would hate for you too miss out" i say, handing the tickets to them. they both gasp and grab onto me tightly, making me laugh. "thank you tate" they say. i take a few photos with them before saying goodbye and heading into the venue.

"where you going?" dan asks as i walk past my dressing room and go over to billies. he rolls his eyes and sighs, following me. i knock and poke my head in, seeing if it's safe for dan to come in too incase she's getting changed or whatever.

i see finneas and claudia who both smile, so i open the door and we both walk in. "gifts for all of you" i say, grabbing cowboy hats out of the bags and giving one to them both.

billie comes out of the bathroom and smiles, i get her hat out of the bag and place it on her head, adjusting it to make sure it's on right. "where did you go you've been ages?" she asks, pulling me into her arms to hug me. "just been walking around" i say, letting go of her and sitting down on the sofa next to dan which she isn't happy about.

"what time is it" i ask him, resting my head on his shoulder. he unlocks his phone and checks the time, showing me and then continuing to reply to his messages from his friends. "i'll get ready in an hour" i say, closing my eyes and relaxing a little bit. i'm exhausted already.

"wanna go for a nap with me" she asks, i open my eyes and shake my head, seeing her frown. i was thinking when i was out earlier, i've been so horrible to dan. he's my boyfriend and the whole time i've been here i've practically presented that he doesn't exist and that's not fair on him. im not going to be with billie anytime soon so i need to stop pretending im going to and stop pushing him out.

i watch her as she goes to the other side of the room, sitting down in front of the makeup area, one hand messing with her hair and one going through her phone. my phone vibrates and i pick it up seeing a notification from billie.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now