twenty one

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"this drink is amazing!" i say to claudia, sipping it through my straw as i sit outside with her and a few other people. some of the guys are currently just trying to get the fire going. "it's my secret recipe" she says, with a little smile.

"nice of you to finally join us" finneas says, looking over my shoulder. i turn around and see her, "i had to make myself look good" billie says, her eyes attached to me, the same flirty look on her face.

her outfit>>

she sits opposite me, obviously making sure i can see her as her eyes don't once leave me

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she sits opposite me, obviously making sure i can see her as her eyes don't once leave me. i avoid eye contact, sipping my drink to try and distract myself a little bit. but to be honest it's not really working, i have dan squeezing my leg and billie sat looking at me like that, i feel like i might explode.

"billie, tate, i need you" maggie shouts from inside. i stand up and quickly walk inside before billie even has change to think. "can you wrap these presents" she says, i think it's someone in their teams birthday today.

i nod and grab a couple of boxes, finding a spot on the floor in the other room to wrap them. billie sits down opposite me, "you look beautiful" she says. "thanks" i reply, fumbling round with the presents, frustration running through me.

billie reaches her hand over, her tattooed hand placed on my leg, her thumb slightly rubbing it. "you good?" she asks, i stare at her hand and bite my lip at her touch. "please don't" i say, closing my eyes and sighing. i hear her moving things out of the way and her shuffling closer to me, but i don't dare look at her because i'd really hate to hurt dan.

billies arms find there way around my shoulders, my body being pulled into her warmth. "please can you trust me, i really want to make us work. even if that means telling the whole world about us" she whispers to me, before moving back a tiny bit and resting her forehead on mine.

"i don't know if we can work, i don't want to throw away a perfectly good relationship just to be broke by you over and over again" i admit to her, finally opening my eyes and looking down at her hands.

"do you want to be with me?" she asks.

"i always wanted that" i say.

"then just try" she tells me. "look at me" she says, taking her forehead off mine.

i shake my head no, "i cant".

"why" she asks, taking my hands in hers. "because i will end up doing something to hurt dan, i don't want to cheat on him, i can't" i say. she brings her hands up to the sides of my neck.

"tate. look at me" she says again. i sigh and slowly force my eyes to meet her blue ones, a single tear falling down my cheek. "i'm too in love with you to let this go" she says, with so much meaning coming out of her.

my eyes gaze over to the other side of the room where i see a figure stood there. i sigh. billie turns around and sees exactly who i'm looking at. dan. "well isn't this great" he says.

"erm, i'll go and wrap these presents in my room. i'll be there if you need me" billie says. she leans over and kisses my forehead, grabbing the stuff off the floor and walking away.

dan looks at me with so much disappointment on his face, "why are we just going round in circles over and over and over again. one day your all over me. the next day you can't escape her, what the fuck is going on with your feelings" he yells.

"i cant change how i feel about her, i'm trying, i have tried it doesn't work" i tell him.

"but you haven't tried tho, you could've stayed away. you could've said no to the tour but you didn't. you just sit there and fuck with peoples minds. i bet billie doesn't even know what you want your that fucking confusing. this is over, just get the fuck out of my life" he shouts.

i frown my eyes and stand up, "so what? we can't be friends. how many years have i known you for and your acting like this over something i can't control" i say to him.

"i loved you and you just fucked me over. i'll be gone by tomorrow" he says, walking back outside to join everyone at the fire pit.


billies pov

i just finished wrapping all the presents and i just gave them to my mom, but i can't face going back out their right now. i heard all the yelling, i feel horrible that she's lost him as a friend, i didn't want that. i didn't want to hurt her.

i lay on my bed, singing random lyrics of my own songs, trying to decide what to do right now. "cant get over you, no matter what i do" i sing.

i just need to get there and see if she's ok, she did this for me i can't just hide. once i enter the back yard, i see dan over by the pool on his phone. tate is sat next to my brother discussing something. i put my hand on her shoulder and motion her to follow me, which she does after a slight hesitation. i lead her inside and take her into my room.

"i'm sorry, i didn't want that to happen. i didn't think you'd lose him completely" i say to her, watching as she shrugs her shoulders. "i honestly don't know what i expected" she says. i sigh and look down at the ground feeling ridiculously guilty.

"can we rewind back to where we were sat on the floor, and you were trying to convince me to be with you" she says, stepping closer to me. i look up and meet her eyes, seeing a grin on her face. i smile and lick my lips, "we sure can" i say, resting my hands on the side of my neck. 

"so like are you gonna kiss me or no?" i ask, biting my lip.

she laughs and almost immediately attaches her lips to mine, the familiar feeling rushing back to me again. i got her back.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now