twenty five

197 9 2

billie and i fell asleep last night squashed together in her little bunk, both of us were exhausted. i'm sure finneas was shouting us to come and get food but we just blocked him out.

"so what's the plan today?" maggie asks as i finally prize myself out of bed and sit in the kitchen/ living area with everyone. we arrived in new york a couple of hours ago and have the whole day to kill before soundcheck and the show.

"my friend is in new york so i think i'm going to see him" i say with a smile. "can we come with?" claudia asks, referring to her and finneas.

"yeah of course" i say.

billie rests her head on my shoulder and holds onto my hand, messing around with my rings. "i have interviews today mom" she says, watching maggie check her diary at the list of stuff she has to do.

"ahhh yes, the first one is in an hour so you better get ready bil" her mom says, billie sighs and stands up looking at me. she motions for me to come with her, so i stand up and follow her down to the back of the bus where her clothes are.

she wraps her arms around my shoulders and hugs me tightly groaning, obviously not wanting to leave. "who's your friend your seeing?" she asks, kissing my neck softly and then pulling out of the hug.

"findlay, he's one of my dancers in my music videos and stuff" i explain to her, "you've met him".

"ohhh yeah i remember him" she says, kissing my forehead making me smile.

"come on get dressed, you don't want to be late" i tell her as she clings her arms around my body tightly once again. she closes the door and finds herself some clothes, while i sit down and brush through my hair, making sure my makeup hasn't smudged.

i put on my leather jacket and check myself in the mirror making sure i look decent enough. i open the door to the back room a small bit because billie is still getting dressed, "finneas, claudia, my friend is picking us up in like 15 minutes" i tell them. they both send me a smile and let me know their both ready.

i close the door again and turn around finding billie fully dressed finally after picking through 5 different outfits.

"you look hot" she says to me, looking me up and down.

maggie enters the room, looking at her daughter and then me. "are you ready?" she asks. billie nods at her, not very talkative today for some reason. i laugh a little at her lack of excitement and wrap my arms tightly around her shoulders. she pulls me into her body by my waist.

"i'll see you later, enjoy your day i love you" she says into my ear. she pecks my lips a couple of times and then disappears out of the bus with her parents.

i grab my bag and and follow them all outside, knowing findlay is probably here round about now. "bye baby" billie says, getting into a car smiling at me just as findlay's car pulls up.
he gets out of the drivers seat and looks at me with the biggest smile on his face.

"it's been too long" i say as we hug each other tightly. "i miss you, why didn't you bring us on tour with you" he asks, letting go of me and holding my face in his hands.

"i'm going to need you and the others to dance for me at the LA show" i tell him and he jumps up and down in excitement. he says hi to claudia and finneas before we all get in the car and head into the city.

liked by billieeilish, oliviarodrigo and 72,686 others

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liked by billieeilish, oliviarodrigo and 72,686 others.
tatemcrae: look who's back @findlaymcconnell
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billieeilish ❤️
finneas wow me and claudia were left out of the photo

we have been messing around new york for the past couple of hours now, we've been mini golf, we've been for food, we've walked around times square for a bit and now we have no idea what to do.

i link findlay's arm on the walk back to the car, texting billie back to let her know we're on our way to sound check. "your watching the show tonight right?" i ask findlay as we reach his car.

"hell yeah i am" he says with a smile.

"duh tate, of course he is" finneas says sarcastically, making claudia laugh.

"thanks for that finneas" i say, pushing his arm lightly, both of us laughing.

i sit in the front passenger and scroll through my phone as we drive over to the venue, i should really be resting my voice because it's so bad but i haven't.

liked by tatemcrae, finneas and 3,786,777 othersbillieeilish: hey nyc view all comments finneas: can't wait to perform tatemcrae: pretty girl, thanks for having me on your tour 🥺^billieeilish: @tatemcrae ❤️

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liked by tatemcrae, finneas and 3,786,777 others
billieeilish: hey nyc
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finneas: can't wait to perform
tatemcrae: pretty girl, thanks for having me on your tour 🥺
^billieeilish: @tatemcrae ❤️


we pull up outside where the bus is, seeing a line of fans waiting already. i get out the car and follow finneas and claudia to the door where security are, the fans all screaming. "hey guys, see you all later" i say, waving at them all.

security lets us inside and we head round to the dressing rooms. "finneas, billie is waiting for you on stage for sound check" patrick says to his son as he greets us all.

i drag findlay along with me to stage to watch them both. he squeals a little as he sees carter and zach, running to them and giving them both hugs. i meet billies eyes who sends me the cutest smile and walks over to me.

"how was your interviews?" i ask her after she kisses me multiple times. "they were ok, how was your day?" she questions, i rest my hands on the back of her neck as she squeezes my waist slightly.

"yeah not bad, claudia somehow beat us all at mini golf" i tell her and she widens her eyes.

"wait are you two together" findlay says, appearing out of nowhere. "tate you tell me nothing".

"tate hasn't asked me yet, how terrible is that" billie says with a smirk on her face, obviously being sarcastic.

"i think what she meant to say was that she hasn't asked me yet" i say with a smile. billie laughs and nudges my shoulder while findlay watches in awe.

"naa none of us even need to ask, i think she already knows that she's my girlfriend" bil says, pulling my closer to her with a big smile on her face.

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