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dan and everyone have left me alone all day and gave me space, my friends have just left and i heard them say that they will call me tomorrow or something.

i walk out of my bedroom seeing brad in the kitchen trying to cook something, i sigh and sit down on the sofa. i look on the kitchen table seeing all of mine and billies photos have been torn up or drawn on. "what the fuck is this" i yell, picking up all the pieces.

"oh erm" he stutters.

"look i'm sorry, billie got in my head which i didn't realise she would, i hadn't thought about her in days and then everything came rushing back to me, but this is too far" i say standing up and folding my arms whilst turning to him.

"well why do you need to keep them" he questions, looking like he's getting annoyed himself. "all these photos were taken on some of the best days of my life, there memories" i explain.

"but that's like me keeping photos of my ex" he says. i throw all the broken pictures on the floor and groan loudly. "they are photos of me and billie! she's not just anyone, she will never be just anyone. she'll always be my favourite person, she will always be my first love, the person i love the most in the world and your just gonna have to respect that" i exclaim.

"i didn't want to leave her house, i wanted to stay but i left for you. i blocked her number for you, i let myself get broken again and again FOR YOU" i add.

he stays quiet and signs loudly, i pull my phone out of the pocket of the hoodie i'm wearing and answer it noticing i'm getting a call. "hello" i say.

"hey it's matt, just a quick call to say i've put you down for an amazing opportunity, which will help you a lot with your career. your going to be supporting a big artist on tour in a few weeks" he explains to me.

"that sounds amazing, which artist is it" i ask, putting my phone on loud speaker so i can write everything down in my notes. "you'll be supporting billie eilish on her world tour, we have everything booked, tour buses, hotels flights everything" he explains.

i widen my eyes and look at dan who has the angriest look on his face going.

"erm yeah that sounds great thank you matt bye" i say ending the call. i quickly text finneas to see what the fuck is going on.

tate: so looks like i'm going on tour with you guys now

finneas: we just got the call too, sounds fun right.
finneas: billie told me to say that she didn't plan this, it wasn't her, the tour managers had complete control of this.

claudia: it just happens to be a really weird coincidence.

tate: i guess i'll see you in 2 weeks then.

i put my phone back in my pocket and shrug my shoulders, seeing brad shaking his head dramatically. "your not going" he says. i frown my eyebrows at him, "well it's my job, i kinda have too, so your gonna have to deal with that one too" i say, leaving and going back into my bedroom.

if we were meant to be (billieeilishxtatemcrae)Where stories live. Discover now