Mysterious Train Man

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(1993) (Y/n = your name)

    The train to Hogwarts whistled and screeched as it took off leaving platform 9 and ¾. I took my seat beside my two best friends, Cedric Digory and Oliver Wood. I was friends with many others but these two I've been able to keep my closest secrets with.

"So Y/n you ready for our last year at Hogwarts, " Oliver's Scottish accent sent chills down my spine, being it's the first time I've heard it in months.

"Of course Ollie, it'll suck for Cedric when it's over."

Cedric smiled while rolling his eyes, "I have other friends you know, I can last my last year with out you two dorks." I opened my book and read one word before the train stopped. It got dark and cold very quickly, I shut my book and looked out the window.

"Dementors..." The two looked outside and Cedric squealed hiding behind me as one swooped past the window.

"Scared Digory?"

"Shut it Ollieeee."

"Hey only Y/n calls me that!" I looked at the door and froze as a black figure floated right by. Without thinking I opened the door and followed it. "Celeste, get back in here!" I ignored Wood as he called out to me by my last name. The Dementor entered through one of the doors and seconds later there was a bright light. I held out my wand and conjured my Patronus just to have it out in case it came my way. The dementor however went the other way exiting the train. I began to breathe again and loosened my shoulders. A grown man then came out where the dementor left and looked both ways locking eyes with me. He had pretty hazel/green eyes that pierced through my soul. His hair was a messy brown and his clothes were a little big on him. He walked towards me and I just stared at him admiring his body.

"Excuse me, please." I snapped out of it and quickly moved out of his way. "Thank you, nice Patronus." He quickly petted the floating blue fox before quickly walking down the cart and disappearing. I stood there as the train started up again trying to calm my racing heart down.

"Y/n you need to get into your robes." Oliver came down and escorted me back where we were sitting. Him and Cedric left the cart for me to change and that guy was just replaying in my head. Who is he and why does he bring me this sort of warmth. I sat back down and my two boys sat beside me once again.

"I saw a good looking adult when I was out there."

"Here we go again." Cedric sat back sighing, highly annoyed.

"Again? If you're talking about Lockhart I did not like him whatsoever he was forcing himself on me." I made a gagging noise just thinking about the horrible flirting I had to sit through when he gave me detention just to speak to me alone.

"Cedric Y/n said not to bring up that pervert. Look if that guy you saw turns out to be a professor then you know to forget whatever you're feeling." I nodded at Oliver and stood up as the train came to a stop at the proper location. The three of us took the same carriage which was moving on its own and headed for the castle.

"You know what I find interesting." They stayed quiet as they looked at me confused, "Oliver is a Gryffindor, Cedric is a Hufflepuff and I'm a Slytherin. We really said fuck those stereotypes." The two of them burst out laughing as the carriage came to a stop and I joined in giggling. However the laughing ended when we came to the Great Hall and had to disperse. I sat down next to a few third years and Malfoy scoffed right as I did.

"What makes you think you can sit by us." I looked at him with my eyes squinted, a moment away from slapping him.

"Yeah I don't want to be seen near the school slut." My eyes looked over at Pansy as I burned fear into her soul. I smiled at the both of them once they had horrific looks. My eyes wandered to the teachers table and stopped on the guy I saw on the train. I began to question what he could possibly be teaching and it was answered when Dumbledore stood.

"Welcome students to another year at Hogwarts, I would like to start by introducing your new defense against the dark arts professor Remus John Lupin." I melted at the sound of his name, it was just so unique. I zoned out all of Dumbledore's speech and looked at Professor Lupin the whole time however I zoned back in when I noticed Professor Snape was staring at me. I rolled my eyes, of course the teacher I hate the most would ruin that. I ate a normal amount of food before getting up from my seat and following my peers down to the Slytherin common room. Right as my head hit my pillow my eyes closed and I was knocked out.

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