Snape's Chambers

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(Prepare yourself mentally) -Author

I feel so alone, my heart has been ripped out of my chest. I thought maybe Lupin would let me down gently but he crushed it, watching the dust leaving his hands not caring one bit. This kept on repeating over and over again stuck in a loop. I must be in a nightmare created by the devil himself... Suddenly it stopped, the ashes from my heart stayed sitting on the dark floor. I sigh and turn around hoping I could just walk away from it but I ran into someone's chest. I carefully looked up and everything went cold as Oliver smiled at me, holding half of his heart out for me to take.

"Here, it'll help." He whispered it so soft, his accent slightly disappearing. I gently took it but the second it left his hands into mine, it shattered. I looked up quickly in a panic to apologize but he was gone.

Footsteps echoed behind me, "Isn't this just sad." His monotone voice gave him away, butterflies fluttered as I slowly turned and Snape was looking down at the ash. "I didn't even think you had a heart."

I looked at him in disgust before rolling my eyes, "Says the one who actually doesn't have a heart." He stayed quiet, it was just silence then I looked beyond him. Another pile of dust sat on the floor with a slightly younger Snape kneeling beside it. "Oh..." The silence started and continued, will it ever end? Right as I thought that the darkness that clouded around us started to brighten and everything around me faded.

My eyes started to pry themselves open and the strong smell of the worst cologne ever slammed into the room. I shot up and threw my pillow at the third year, Theo.

"OI! Why did you throw that!"

"Because you smell absolutely disgusting. Now get lost, I have to get dressed."

"Ok jeez, Professor Snape sent me to tell you Professor Lupin needs to talk to you." My whole body sank and the room started to spin violently. His footsteps faded away and the door creaked shut. Without hesitation my body folded over the side of my four poster bed and I lurched all over the floor. It took over ten minutes for the nausea to stop so I could finally have the stomach to get up and at least get into a t-shirt and sweats. I passed the mirror and my hair was completely poofed, standing up every which way. I sighed and pulled it up into the best bun I could pull off.

The corridors were empty which is no surprise considering it is a Saturday and it's now twelve in the afternoon. My numb legs are hardly able to keep up with all the stairs I have to climb up, I felt like just falling back down and going to Snape's chambers for comfort. The pain both mentally and physically is just too unbearable. Maybe Lupin just wants to apologize and say it was just a big joke...My hand slapped across my face leaving a painful stingy sensation. Not even in my dreams he'll say it was a joke. Snape, I need a hug from him really badly right now...I zoned back to life and noticed Dumbledore had stopped a few feet away from me.

"Ms. Celeste? Is there a reason you've just slapped yourself?"

I looked at him with a straight face and continued to walk past him, "I needed a wake up call." He asked no further questions so I knocked on the defense against the dark arts big oak door. I stood there struggling to keep my eyes open and my legs up, finally after eternity the door creaked opened.

"Ms. Celeste, come in." Lupin then turned around and sat at his desk waiting for me to sit in the seat beside him. I however did not and stood in the middle of the room. "Fine, be a child. I just wanted to make sure you are alright and apparently you aren't."

My left knee buckled but I stayed standing, I'm not showing weakness even if I wanted to throw up all over his floor, "Why...why did you make it hurt so much?"

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now