Snape's Denial

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Shortly after finishing my plate and waiting till the lights turned out I carefully tore the covers off of my body and crept over to the closet. I slid a few hangers to the side and tried to reach up to the shelf above the rack.

"There has to be floo powder somewher-" With one powerful strike the jar went flying off of the shelf. In a panic I dived down and barely caught it but hit my elbow in the process. Harshly I bit my finger and whispered through, "Mother fucker!" Worst day in my life, it absolutely tops the time my adoptive parents tried to sell me to the circus. Anywaysss...

In slight rage I grabbed a handful of powder and crouched into the fireplace, "Hogwarts potions classroom." I tossed the powder down and shut my eyes tight wanting the spinning to end as soon as it started. Once the green light and horrible lurching stopped I opened my eyes and smiled at the smell of chemicals and the sight of the dark comforting classroom. Slowly I made my way towards his office and tugged on the handle, locked, of course, it's practically midnight. Why couldn't I have asked for my wand back instead of for food...

After taking a deep breath I raised my arm and knocked loudly twice. Within seconds the door creaked open and I turned paste white as I looked into a pair of hazel eyes. "Ms. Celeste?! What the- You're supposed to be at Malfoy Manor!" I ignored him slightly as I stood on my toes trying to look past him. Severus was sitting at his desk looking away from the door, covering his mouth as a look of worry grew on his face.

"Um I'm sorry if I was interrupting something but I need to speak to Professor Snape." Lupin looked down at me as he took a deep breath slightly regretting what he was gonna do, "Well be quick, Severus and I were discussing something rather important." He moved out of the way and I slid in. Lupin ensured that the door closed and Severus eyed me to muffle the room.

I held up my empty hands and frowned, "I'm wandless at the moment."

He rolled his eyes and flicked his wand, "Why the bloody hell don't you have your wand?"

"Well Lucius didn't want me to try anything so he took it but that's not what I'm here to discuss."

"Go on, in case you forgot Lupin and I were discussing something important."

"Like what?"

He sighed, heavily annoyed, "Nothing that concerns you just Sirius Black, he came and surprised Ronald Weasley with a knife in hand tonight."

"Jeez sorry I asked." I crossed my arms and calmed myself, stopping my blood from boiling, not worth getting worked up over his tone. I looked away from him as tears started to build up in my eyelids.

"Y/n I'm sorry...I don't mean to seem annoyed but I was ready to run away with you."

"Severus stop..."

He stood up gliding towards me so he could gently grab my face. His dark eyes glistened as the candle light beamed onto them, "I'm serious, you drive me crazy, I would move a mountain if it meant I could be with you."

"Severus!" I pushed his hands down and choked on a tear causing me to hiccup.

"...Sorry. I didn't mean to...I just figured um..."

My whole body started to spasm as I tried to push out words, "I don't want you to ruin your, your life for me." I wiped my tears away as they escaped, "Severus...Lucius is going to tell the ministry if we continue this-"

"I can obliterate his min-"

"Severus! Just let me speak."

He took a deep breath and stood there as I choked on another tear, "If you could speak." I looked at him and noticed a smirk start to form on his face. Quickly I started to lightly hit his chest and shake my head as laughing broke through my throat of tears.

Quickly my laughs died down, "I have a plan around it. Lucius only requested that I date someone my age and Narcissa stated she's only uncomfortable with us doing what we're doing since it's illegal sooo."

He furrowed his brow, "I see no room for a plan."

"Bear with me darling. I say in order to get Lucius and Narcissa off of our tails for a bit I quote on quote date someone my age for the remainder of the ye-"

"No." Severus completely closed off his ears and dragged himself over to his desk, "Not happening."

"Severus it's completely platonic and no strings att-"

"That can't stop you from potentially falling in love...I mean look at us, that's how we started darling." I walked over to him and carefully placed myself into his lap.

"I promise that won't happen, I love you too much." His gaze averted from me only causing me to gently brush his face and bring his gaze back, "'s only for a bit. Just enough to trick Draco." He gazed at my body, slowly trailing his eyes along my bodies figure.

"This other guy won't touch you right."

I smiled at him and dragged my finger down his chest, "Only you have that privilege."

His hands slid onto my hips and he pushed my hips down to his, "Good because you're mine." My face flushed red as I felt him poke me in the right spot. He noticed and pulled my chest down so his mouth was against my neck, "Oh how I'd love to feel more of you right now." His warm breath a soft lips brushed against my neck causing a slight flow between my legs.

Chills went down my body causing me to melt, "Then why don't you." He smiled against my neck before latching on and sucking on it gently, teasing me slowly, "Sev please, don't leave me with just a tease." I started to grind against him feeling his bulge rub against my clit making me hungry for more. "Pleas- oh fuckkk." He then roughly sucked hard as his hands pushed my hips down harder moving them faster against him.

I started to pant as my hands gripped onto his hair giving me some balance so I don't fall from the pleasure. His touch felt like gold as he gripped my hips then slowly moved under my shirt finding grip on my breasts.

"You really should get going, Lupin is outside waiting." I began grinding against him faster causing him to throw his head back, "But how could I let you go- oh fuckk."

Without hesitation he threw my shirt off my body and admired me before pulling me close and kissing my chest. I could feel his warm breath but cold nose brush against me as he switched from kissing to sucking. Slowly making his way down my chest then back up sending an enormous amount of tingling pleasure through out my body.

A loud knock echoed into the room causing me to stop but Severus kept going, "S-sev Lupin doesn't s-sound too patient." I leaned into him more as I let out a loud moan.

He slowly backed away, his hands sliding off my body, resisting to let me go, "I suppose we could continue this tomorrow."

My eyes lit up as I quickly put my shirt back on and stood up, "I can't wait." He smirked and I gently kissed him before making my way to the door.

"Wait." I stopped and turned to him with a confused look. He took a moment to think, "I just wanted to see your beautiful face." I smiled with my cheeks burning, how wholesome of him.

"Goodnight Severus." I blew him a kiss before I opened the door and motioned to Lupin it was his turn.

He stood there motionless as his eyes looked at my messy hair then down to the dark marks placed on my neck, "Get what you wanted?" I rolled my eyes and snarled at his comment as I made my way to the fireplace. I was not expecting him to even make a comment...I didn't think Lupin could even get jealous.

(Ik these last few have been short but that's because I'm refiguring the story line since a bright idea popped up since you knowwwww this is called Jealousy and its also hard to tell if people are enjoying the story or not...)

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now