Malfoy Manor

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*WARNING! Very long chapter and trauma is involved*

Winter break came around fast and the dorms were emptying quickly. The candles were lit around the dorm room allowing students to see what they're packing and letting us know it's almost time to go.

Go? I don't want to go... A full week in Malfoy Manor, a week I'll be pushed around and forced into being someone I never wanted to be. Wait, I'm eighteen, I don't have to do any of this. I paused frozen in the doorway with my trunk floating behind me. My feet started to pivot 180 degrees because of this realization.

"Y/n don't." In the corner of my eyes his bright blonde hair caught my attention.

"Draco I don't have to go," I turned to him and slightly chuckled, "I'm eighteen, Lucius holds no power over me."

Draco looked away sucking in his lips trying to hold back some sort of pain, "You have to. For our families sake, for mom and me! You don't understand, he, father is going to lash out on us for your stupidity!"

Is he crying? "Draco...I-" I stopped myself and took a deep breath. I'm really doing this aren't I? "Let's go before it's too late. Wouldn't want to miss the train." I smiled weakly at him as I took the lead out of the dorm.

"Y/n...I feel obligated to warn you for some odd reason."

"Warn me? I think I have an idea of what I'm getting into Draco." He scoffed and rolled his eyes so big I could've sworn his head almost detached.

"Oh please. Look Y/n just don't back talk him or ignore any questions. It's not pretty." I quickened my pace not wanting to speak with him any longer. My eyes quickly spotted Cedric and Oliver which would make better company than stupid Malfoy.

I jumped in between the two of them wrapping my arms around their necks, "Hey guys!"

Ollie smiled as Cedric wrapped his arm around my neck, messing up my hair with his other hand, "There's our girl! We were wondering where you were."

I smiled widely, realizing how much I love this friendship and how much I've been avoiding these two, "I took my precious time packing...But! Forget about me, I want to know what you fools have planned this week."

"Oh just working on flying techniques in the harsh winter it's nothing too special. I honestly should just stay here but my mum really wants to spend one last Christmas before I go off living my dream life." His dream...last time...

"Ollie did a quidditch team uhm?"

"Yeah, Puddlemere United wants me to sign once the school year is over." My jaw dropped and I punched his arm repeatedly.

"OH MY GOD! How long have you been keeping this! This is absolutely amazing, I'll go to all of your games an-"

"Y/'re gonna be an Auror. I'm sure you'll be too busy." Oliver sounded annoyed and none of what I said seemed to excite him or even put a smile on his face.

"Trust me I'll reserve my vacation days for you. You're my bestie Ollie."

He chuckled in disbelief, "Yeah alright." In an attempt to lighten things up once again I turned to Cedric.

"So this week you're?" We hopped onto the train and reserved our usual cart, not too far from the restroom and not too far from the exit.

"Going hiking with my dad, nothing special Y/n." I looked over my shoulder as I entered the small area and watched Malfoy pass by giving me a warning glare.

"I mean uh hiking sounds fun Cedric." I clasped my hands over my face and groaned loudly, "Who am I kidding...I'm going to go through hell this week. Can you two please not forget who I used to be, who knows how they're going to change me."

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now