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The sun shined brightly through the thin curtains that covered the giant dark glass stained window. My body slowly shifted down on my pillow to readjust to keep my state of sleep but quickly my eyes squeezed tightly keeping the light of the afterlife out of my sight. I covered my face and mumbled absolute non-sense, "What fuck sense is this...stupid thin windows."

The door to my room slowly creaked open and the sound of larger footsteps with a tiny tapping after each step caused me to escape further into my sheets, "Hm, sounds like someone isn't a morning person." Lucius carefully attached his snake's fangs to my blanket quickly yanking it off of my cold tired body.

"THE SUN!" I quickly curled into a ball and groaned as I could feel my body struggling to keep the warmth preserved.

"Tch, you are Draco's sister that's for sure." He pressed his frosty metal snake head against my bare foot causing me to shoot up. "You've been freed from solitude. I expect you down for breakfast in ten minutes."

I started to snarl and glare at him at once. However he retaliated with a look of warning so I put my complaints in the back of my throat, "Thank you father." He smirked, covered with his victory of taming me into his perfect child.

I watched him set my wand down on my bedside table before slowly making his way out. Obviously not wanting to risk anything from going wrong today I quickly rolled out of the bed and trudged over to the closet. Nothing really interested me, sweats and a comfy sweater to match however Lucius has his stupid checklist plastered onto the closet door for me to look at every morning.

Clothing must look like you're trying to look nice (No sweats/any baggy clothing)

Hair must be tamed

Always answer with "yes father" or "yes mother"

Remember your manners

Stay upstairs between meals

Must be in bed past 11 pm

Oh my god that list goes on till it hits 30 rules! I'm pretty sure he has control issues or OCD or something!

Turning my body I looked into the giant mirror that sat across my bed and looked at my messy hair that in no way matched my cute sweater vest and skirt.

"Why can't messy hair ever be considered formal..." I groaned before picking up my hair brush and starting the hopefully quick process of trying to pull this bitch up in a half updo.

A quiet knock came from the door and I ignored it however that didn't stop Draco from entering, "You better start heading dow-" I finished with a quick ribbon in my hair before turning to him with a smile on my face, "I didn't think you could clean up so well."

I kept my smile, "Heh, you learn something new everyday." He rolled his eyes slightly regretting making sure I knew it was time for food. I quickly followed behind him with a little bounce in my step, "Why are you happy?!"

I realized quickly this was no way a heart broken girl would be acting, "I'm not...just trying to conceal my broken heart..." Draco dropped his attitude and gave me a sympathetic look but went back to having attitude when I brought my energy back up, "Not nice of you to point that out Draco but I'll be fine-" I stopped dead in my tracks and felt in my vests inner pocket, "Shit I forgot my wand."

Draco chuckled as he watched me panic, "Good thing you forgot, wands are forbidden at the diner table." I mouthed the word damn it before composing myself and entering the dining room alongside Draco.

"Why isn't it just adorable seeing you two enter in together, right Lucius?"

Lucius looked up from the daily prophet and almost choked on his tea, "Pf- Yes it's very adorable." He held his cup up to his mouth and silently laughed to himself. Is it just me or has he completely flipped personalities today?

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now