Love Sick

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(Snape's POV)

I slowly started to open my eyes and noticed quickly I was on my classroom's cold stone floor. What the hell just happened, Wolf boy walked in casually then asked where Y/n is. I obviously said maybe with her idiotic friends then he pointed his wand at me and I was out cold. I stood up looking around the room slowly and my heart sank when I saw my office door wide open.

"Shit-" I quickly ran through the door and with no hesitation barged through my chambers door. I felt my soul leave my body as I saw my sweetheart, my everything! ...Sitting on top of Lupin, their tongues down each other's throats. I flicked my wand carefully lifting her off of him then ran over my hand wrapped around his throat.

His eyes widened stricken by fear, "S-Severus let's not do anything stupid."

"Shut it! You honestly have always gotten on my nerves and this has broken any anger I've held back on you." I slowly squeezed his neck slightly enjoying seeing him struggle. Y/n then came over and pulled on my arms causing me to snap back into reality and release some pressure. Is she, she's actually wining like a child.

"Professor put him down! Please don't hurt my Moony." I looked into her eyes confused about her tone. My head shot back to Lupin who had a giant smirk on his face. He must've done something because Y/n is mature, sometimes too mature that it hurts her friendships. This Y/n is just a full blown child. I focused on her thoughts and she was screeching, help me oh god please help me.

"I see, stay here both of you!" I threw him down before leaving the room and quickly ran through my classroom and searched through my cupboard. Footsteps ran past my door and I could hear Y/n giggling. Amortentia, who would've thought it'd turn her into an absolute child.

(You're POV)

Where is this absolute insane man taking me! His hand was wrapped around mine carefully pulling me out through the halls. A giant smile plastered onto my face and my eyes kept focused on him. Other thoughts invaded my head, he's so dreamy, I'm so lucky right now, please just kiss me Remus. I know Remus is a little crazy but oh my god this is practically an imperius curse.

"Watch your step darling," Remus held out his hand as he helped me down a hill that leads to an empty patch of grass. This is the forbidden forest, is he trying to get us killed?!

"Moony, what are we doing in the spooky forest?" I want to barf hearing my voice. He was looking off in the distance as a figure made their way towards me slowly. I should be running but my body slowly glides towards Remus grabbing onto him. "Moony I'm scared."

The figure emerged from the shadows, "I wouldn't bother with him, I imperioed him to find a way to have you slip from Severus's fingers. I just need to make sure of this one little thing." He came really close and handed me a small vile, "It'll help your uh moony was it?" Without hesitation, love dazed me chugged the vile and I was back to my normal self.

I pulled myself away from Lupin and gagged a bit replaying all I did. I looked up at the pale blonde man, "Malfoy I take it..." He smirked but sneered as he looked at my clothing, a random t-shirt and sweats. My hair was also a complete mess.

"Y/n Celeste, her blood stating to be a Malfoy. Pathetic you've turned out this way."

My blood began to boil, "You don't believe it do you?"

He scoffed keeping eye contact, "Of course not. However Narcissa was pregnant and gave birth on your birthday... That little girl I however ensured wouldn't survive because the dark lord said a female heir was ridiculous." I looked up at him, fear causing my body to shake. "Forced to give you to that wormtail and forced to believe you were gone and tell my happy wife who was awaiting a girl that you didn't make it." He looked at me without expression awaiting a response.

His eyes were familiar as if I've been seeing them in the mirror for years. A cold grey that discomforted me, mine were a warm grey however. The similarity is there I just seem to have joy in my life. "Have you told your son or your wife yet?"

His fingers started to tap on the snakehead that made up his wand handle, "I wouldn't want to give them false hope." There was silence for a moment, "I will inform them if you could tell me what Severus is to you."

I clenched my jaw before scoffing and looking off to the side, "That's none of your concern and I don't have to tell you." The leaves began to crunch behind me and I smirked knowing exactly who it was, "Mr. Malfoy, I think you should leave these grounds and free Professor Lupin from your curse." He raised an eyebrow and disapperated right as Snape came into sight.

He froze as he noticed Lupin on the floor and me standing there like a dimwit. I smiled widely realizing I was in control of my body again running over to him jumping into his arms. "Y/n? I see you're all better." He kissed the top of my head and I slowly slid off of him.

"Can you help Professor Lupin, Lucius Malfoy imperius him so I doubt he's here mentally at the moment."

Severus flicked his wand and began to walk back to the castle while Lupin floated behind us, "Lucius believes you're a Malfoy?"

"Yes." I paused remembering how you know who wanted me dead, "I was supposed to be killed...why wasn't I?" He almost tripped over a root not noticing it, "Severus did you know?"

He kept walking but the guilt shook in his throat, "...Y/n, Wormtail felt guilty and after hearing Narcissa's screams of agony I had him take you to my hometown leaving you on your parents' door steps. Me and him were both still in school and the Malfoy's had only recently graduated so being scared we slightly did as the dark lord said."

I looked at the back of his head, tears forming in my eyes, "Y-you've known it was me all along? Are you just saying you 'loved' me to protect my ass?! Just a way to keep me close!" He stopped on the front steps and sharply turned around cupping his hands on my face.

"Of course not, I didn't know you were that child. Darling I love you just because you're you. I'm not trying to trick you into staying close to me." Tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Are you done with me now that Lupin and Lucius kn-" His lips latched onto mine creating the most passionate kiss he's ever given me. Once he released me he smiled, wiping my tears out of my face.

"I don't care about them, I just care that I'm with you darling."  I smiled softly my body finally showing how drained I am. Severus noticed and picked me up setting Lupin down in the hall.

"What abo-"

"He'll be alright love, you're gonna sleep with me tonight darling so I know you've rested."

(A/N: Short Chapter I know)

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