Wood's Opinion

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*Slight Suicide thoughts mention*/*Verbal Abuse* 

The charms classroom was boring like always just sitting in a little group waving your wand at random objects. Class has gotten awkward for me. I can't even look at my best friend without him giving me the side eye. I honestly can't wait to graduate and honestly I could just speak with the headmaster and take my NEWTs early to leave this behind. I got out of my thoughts and waved my wand causing water to shoot out of it like a faucet into the cup set beside me.

"Well done Y/n, 15 points for Slytherin for getting it on the first try." I looked up and smiled, his squeaky voice always lifts me up. Once he turned his attention to another table I set my wand down and carefully laid my head against the icy cold table.

"Am I allowed to talk to you now?" I smiled hearing his Scottish accent clearly now instead of it being gibberish. He can't see my face though.

My voice muffled against the table, "Be my guest."

He shifted in his seat and leaned down to my ear, "About a certain professor." I looked up at him blankly before picking my wand up again and casting the muffling charm around us.

"Continue Wood." He looked down for a moment then shook it off looking me in the eyes.

"You uh, you love him right?"

"Was I not clear when I was drunk?"

He nodded slowly, not breaking eye contact, "Ok and you've done it with him...he's not using you is he?"

I looked at him as my heart dropped to my stomach, tears forming in my eyes for some odd reason, "No. He's not. You don't know him like I do and-"

"Of course not I'm not the one fucking our professor! Is it to get your grades up? Obviously, your potions grades have increased incredibly. Are you just saying you love him so I'll try to support you." The tears slowly faded down my face and I made no attempt to wipe them off.

"I thought you'd be happy I'm even attempting to LIVE some sort of life after last year..." He stayed silent for a moment and watched the tears slowly fall down my cold heartless face.

"I'm sorry...That isn't living Y/n...you're tearing your life apart because of this so-called love." Without warning I smacked him firmly across the face and undid the charm as I stood up.

"Ms. Celeste?" Any air escaped my lungs as I turned to see Dumbledore staring at me, fuck. I stood there like an absolute dumb ass with tears streaming down my face. "Someone is eagerly waiting for you in my office but if you want I could tell them now isn't a good time." I covered my face and whipped my tears away as I walked over to him.

"Now is a perfect time, I need to get out of this class." I felt his hand press against my back and he led me out of the room and throughout the halls.

"I have been told not to ruin the surprise but I will warn you if you get overwhelmed just say butterscotch in your head and I'll excuse you." I looked at him very confused but nodded just accepting it.


The doors to his office slowly swung open. The room was brightly lit and my attention went straight to the phoenix that was stretching out its wings. The colors of its feathers was what lit the room with its red and orange vibrant hues.

"Ah hem." I looked to my side where Dumbledore was, confused about what it was he wanted me to see. He cautiously smiled and nodded a little bit over from where the bird was perched. "Ms. Celeste I'm aware you've met Lucius but he brought along Mrs. Malfoy, Narcissa, your mother." Narcissa turned around and her long blonde hair floated out of her face and my sight went straight to her bright blue eyes. My hair has always been at medium length but if I grew it out and straightened it I'd be her twin.

"Lucius she's..." Her hands clasped over her mouth taking a break to choke back her tears, "Gorgeous, I have a daughter, I have my beautiful baby girl back." Before I could even react her arms were wrapped around me hugging onto me tightly.

"Narcissa darling." She hesitantly released me and looked down at the floor backing away. "Y/n, I've just brought her since she didn't believe me. Now to serious matters." My mind loudly screamed, what the fuck is he gonna talk about, it could literally be anything. "Your grades are excellent keep it up, your average daily life clothing we'll have to assist you with apparently, you also need new friends and you know why, and also Sev-"

"Lucius, I don't think you need to change this child so much. She is excellent as is." I looked over at Dumbledore, his tone has ceased from a calm one.

"Dumbledore, this is my child."

"That you abandoned and could care less about however since now word got out you have to show some care."

"I doubt you told her what her adopted parents' reaction was." It went silent. I have a feeling I already know what their reaction was. "Y/n, Dumbledore wrote to your other parents and they responded with 'good riddance, we never wanted her anyways.'" Silence rang about again. I stood there numb waiting for him to speak again, "Now then child, you are to go by as a Malfoy instead of that stupid muggle name. Finally you are to come to the Manor for Christmas break and we'll continue this conversation then do I make myself clear."


He took a step forward clutching his snake cane thingy tightly, "Manors is something we'll have to work on too... It's yes sir, not sure." I looked down and nodded my head holding back myself from lashing out.

"Yes sir." Butterscotch. The doors behind me slowly opened and Dumbledore began to lead me out.

"Ms. Cel- Malfoy has classes to attend to now. I'm sorry for cutting this family conversation short." 

(A/N) *I'm sorry Snape hasn't been in the story for awhile...just wait :)* 

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