I can't lose you

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Freezing ice, chilling darkness surrounded me as I stood there thoughtless, or so I thought. Laughter echoed behind me causing my head to whip around and watch my recent memories play on their own. Oliver catching me, him trying to fool the rest of Gryffindor and even our conversation when he told me not to fall for him.

"No he...you greasy bastard!" Immediately I struggled and pulled myself out of my deep sleep.

My heart skipped a beat as my whole body shot up, out of breath from unnaturally pulling myself out of that.

Severus quickly stumbled back concealing his wand, "Darling go back to sleep, it's still late."

"Don't darling me." I kicked the covers off and scrambled around trying to find my shoes.

"You're being ridic-"

"ME? Oh please enlighten me Severus! I wouldn't speak to you about Ollie so you decide to dig through my memories for answers instead?" His dark eyes stared off as if he was just an empty shell, just looking behind me, empty. "Severus?"

His eyes become glossy as he struggled for words, "I..." He slowly started to walk towards the door before dashing out of the room.

Without hesitation I followed, "Severus! Where are you going?" He stayed quiet as he continued to exit the potions classroom and walk up the stairs to the main hall. "Professor, I am talking to you!"

"I can't do this right now Y/n!" He said my name...in public.

"Stop being a coward!" He stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked back at me with a look mixed with grief and hatred.

"I am everything but a coward!" I stood there, slightly scared of him... "I- I just can't."

"You can't what?"

His cloak flew back as his hands went in the air, frustrated by himself, "I can't, I can't lose you! I can't lose to another stupid Gryffindor!"

"Is that what this is about? You're just scared of losing me? Those are normal feelings."

He turned away from me irritated, "Lupin and Wood both have been trying to take you from me and you know that! Yet you seem to just be attracting them more instead of shooing them away."

I chuckled to myself but quickly stopped, "So this is just jealousy?"

He stood there scoffing to himself before he started to walk again, "I told you I don't want to talk about this."

"Oh but when I say that it means nothing." He continued to walk and I followed with my frustration rising. "If it doesn't benefit you or go your way then it doesn't matter! Isn't that right?"

"You have feelings for Wood! You enjoy the fact that he makes me jealous and you even get flustered by him!"

"Oh so now you're yelling at me without looking?" His footsteps ceased as he shot around, his glazed eyes staring down at me as he stood so close just a breath would cause our bodies to touch. I took a deep breath and decided to be the bigger person, "I do enjoy the fact that he makes you jealous but that's only because it shows me you still care."


"And I guess he's been turning my stomach since I don't get that sort of treatment when I'm with you."

"Treatment? Like you're helpless and constantly need my help? Y/n you're a strong woman, you don't need that."

My hand started to shake, "But sometimes I want that. Sometimes I like being treated like I'm a princess or that I'm actually loved by you instead of some hidden side hoe..."

"Oh darling," Severus's arms quickly but carefully wrapped around me pulling me close, his fingers threading through my hair causing me to break down, "You know I don't think of you like that. You're my queen, my everything and from now on I'll make sure you know it." I stayed buried in his chest not wanting to move, "Darling?-" Before I had the chance to look up he pulled me into a dark corner where no one could see us as a figure quickly bolted past us.

"Who? Wait, Severus, where are you going!"

His black cloak was floating behind him as he ran shortly behind the figure, "Stay here!" I stood there heavily confused and my body felt light, weirdly scared that his voice was that stern. Who just ran by?

"Professor?" A familiar panicked voice echoed in the hall not too far from me so I investigated. "Where did he- Oh um...hello love." I looked into Ollie's sunken puffy golden eyes and frowned.

"You look terrible..."

"Well I haven't exactly slept the past twenty hours."

"Who are you looking for?"

Oliver looked down as he rubbed his eyes, "Professor Lupin, I was talking to him when he suddenly looked at a parchment and dashed off."

"So that's who that was..."

"Why are you up here and not with Snape?"

"Well I was just with him but he saw Remus and bolted after him...but what was Remus going after?"

"Something important I guess, he did turn whiter than a ghost when he noticed it." The both of us stared at each other before quickly dashing into the direction our professors went. However I stopped dead in my tracks as he got to the outer door.

"Stay here."

"What? No I'm going too, it's probably something dangerous."

"That's why I want you to stay."

"That's ridiculous!"

I smiled and placed my hand on his face, "You might be wicked good on a broom but we both know your charms stink. I want you to be safe and if you're out there it might get both of us killed knucklehead." His mouth began to speak but I quickly pressed my lips against his before darting off, "That meant nothing! Just stay safe!" I continued to run and that's when I noticed Severus making his way into the whomping willow.

Something's not right...

(I know it's very short but the next chapters the last one and I want to perfect it)

Jealousy (Severus Snape x Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now